Individual Sustainability Researchers
Overview of researchers working with green transition and sustainability:
Andhov, Marta
Associate prof. Marta Andhov conducts research on sustainable public procurement law (SPP). Her research focuses on public procurement law, sustainability and governmental contracts. She is heading the research project Purchase Power – Sustainable Public Procurement Through Private Law Enforcement (PurpLe) and she further co-leads Horizon 2020 ITN Sustainability and Procurement in International, European, and National Systems (SAPIENS) Network.
Bendel, Justine
Dr. Justine Bendel’s field of study is international environmental and climate change law, with a particular interest in implementation and judicial enforcement of environmental and climate regulation. Justine’s project as a Marie Curie Fellow focuses on deforestation and the role that the different existing international frameworks play to protect forests (INTERFOR).
Buerkert, Johanna
Johanna Buerkert’s PhD project centers on the regulation of socio-ecological systems resilience in the coastal Arctic from a climate change perspective. She’s a member of the CArGo, NeOGov network and the Copenhagen Ocean Hub.
Bostyn, Sven J.R.
Dr. Sven J.R. Bostyn (LLB, Lic. Jur., LLM, PhD, Dr.Jur.) is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, a lecturer in Intellectual Property Law at the Institute for Information Law (IVIR) of the University of Amsterdam, Visiting Professor at the University of Turin (Italy) and Tongji University (Shanghai), and consultant in IP. He is also a regular guest professor at CEIPI in Strasbourg. His research focuses on innovation and innovation incentive mechanisms in various areas of technology, such as pharmaceuticals, biologics, medical devices, software, including artificial intelligence, and green technologies, encompassing also intellectual property right protection for plants and plant varieties, CRISPR-Cas technologies, and technological challenges relating to green transition and climate change. He was between 2013 and 2016 the Chair of the Expert Committee at the European Commission on the development and implications of patent law in the field of biotechnology and genetic engineering, after having been a member of and Rapporteur at an earlier European Commission Expert Group (2003-2006). He is the author of more than 70 single authored peer reviewed publications, and has delivered more than 200 conference and seminar speaker engagements.
Cullen, Miriam
Assistant Prof. Miriam Cullen conducts research on international law, climate change and human mobility, with a particular interest in critical perspectives, human rights and social sustainability. She heads a project which uses a postcolonial lens to reimagine climate adaptation in colonized island territories through the realization of rights, and leads the Nordic Network on Climate-Related Displacement and Mobility.
Ebbersmeyer, A. Stella
PhD candidate Stella Ebbersmeyer works on the regulation of shipping induced climate change in the Arctic. Her PhD project forms part of the research project 'International Law-Making: Actors in Shipping and Climate Change (InterAct)', which is carried out and supervised by Associate Prof. Beatriz Martinez Romera and financed by the Carlsberg Foundation.
Gausdal, Maria
Postdoc Maria Gausdal conducts research on sustainability from a private law perspective with a particular focus on contract and tort law. Maria is heading the Railway and Regulations project (RaR) link, which focuses on the legal obstacles and drivers for the realization of the railway as a sustainable alternative to other means of transportation. Maria also works with green standards and is, in this capacity, a member of the network on Green Labels (GreenLab).
Glinski, Carola
Associate prof. Carola Glinski conducts research on environmental law, EU law, international law and private sustainability governance. She is heading a project on sustainable transnational value chains with a focus on the protection of biodiversity (BioTrade). In addition, Carola is a member of the GreenLab network.
Hamer, Carina Risvig
Associate prof. Carina Risvig Hamer works with public procurement and administrative law. She is heading a research project on the use of green criteria in public procurement (PROCUREGREEN). The project examines green elements in public contracts.
Hansen, Ole
Prof. Ole Hansen conducts research on sustainability from a contract law perspective focused mainly on commercial parties with a particular interest in long-term contracts, construction contracts, energy/utility supply- and public commercial contracts. Ole is part of collaborative research groups on the projects Circular Supply Chains (CirCus), Purchase Power - Sustainable Public Procurement through private Law Enforcement (PurpLe) and Sustainable Public Procurement and Supply chains.
Klinge, Sune
Assistant prof. Sune Klinge conducts research in sustainability and climate case litigation at different levels of governance: national, international and supranational from a constitutional law perspective (human rights and constitution-making), as for example, under Grøn Grundlov. Sune is also developing a Moot Court competition building on the different research in this area at the Faculty of Law.
Lam, Joanna
Prof. MSO Joanna Lam specializes in international economic law and dispute resolution with a focus on investment relations. She is heading the project ENERGIZE: Re-Shaping International Investment Law for the Green Transition, which combines the perspectives of investment law and institutional economics to develop tools for effective protection of environmental common goods in the energy sector in the context of energy security.
Lev, Amnon
Associate Professor Amnon Lev researches the way sovereignty and constitutionalism respond to, and help configure, problems of government. He is co-PI of DIGT, a DFF funded research project that examines how democracies will be affected by green transition.
Martinez Romera, Beatriz
Beatriz Martinez Romera is Associate Professor of Environmental and Climate Change Law and has been teaching and researching environmental and climate change law for the last 13 years. Her research interest coalesce around international and EU climate change law and governance, including the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions from international aviation and maritime transport. She is the founder of the climate networks TRAMEREN, CArGo and NeOGov, and Principal Investigator for Enhancing Climate Action through International Law (EnAct), 'International Law-Making: Actors in Shipping and Climate Change (InterAct)'. She leads key platforms at the faculty as the Climate Breakfast Seminar Series and the Interdisciplinary Seminars on Climate, Energy and Sustainability, Podcast the Climate Show.
Monti, Alessandro
Assistant Professor Alessandro Monti conducts research on the interface between climate change and international trade and investment law, with particular interest on the promotion of renewable energy. He is currently involved in the postdoctoral project Enhancing Climate Action through International Law (EnAct), externally funded by the Independent research Fund Denmark.
Muscaritoli, Federica
PhD Fellow (Marie Curie) Federica Muscaritoli focuses on public procurement law as a tool to fight climate change. More precisely, Federica investigates the interplay between the EU Public Sector Directive and climate change mitigation laws of the EU from a legal and economic perspective. Federica is part of the research group on the project Purchase Power - Sustainable Public Procurement through private Law Enforcement (PurpLe).
Nielsen, Linda
Prof. Linda Nielsen conducts research currently focused on the EU proposal on statutory due diligence and the connection with the OECD guidelines on responsible business conduct, new rules on sustainable reporting, as well as rules concerning tax governance and finance law as coined in the European Green Deal. Linda chairs the Danish National Contact Point (NCP) concerning the OECD Guidelines and is a member of the European reporting Lab under EFRAG (the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group), which designs standards for sustainable business reporting.
Nordlander, Linnéa
Assistant Professor Linnéa Nordlander researches the intersection of climate change and human rights in the law. Specifically, her research focuses on the potential and limitations of human rights law to push states to meet their international climate change mitigation commitments. This research is part of the EnAct project. In addition, she works with the notion of climate change loss and damage, investigating especially how human rights law can supplement existing rules on remedying climate harm.
Poulsen, Pernille Holten:
PhD student Pernille Holten Poulsen conducts research in the field of international climate change law. In her PhD thesis, she explores to what degree tort law is a viable instrument that can be applied in order to establish corporate liability for climate change.
Rytter, Jens Elo
Jens Elo Rytter is professor of constitutional law, specializing in Human rights law. He works, among others, with the potential of Human rights to protect the environment and against climate change.
Ulfbeck, Vibe
Prof. Vibe Ulfbeck works with sustainability from a private law perspective, focusing in particular on tort law and contract law aspects of sustainability, including the EU proposal on statutory due diligence and climate change litigation. She is heading a project on Circular Supply Chains (CirCus) and leading the network on Green Labels (GreenLab). In addition, she has a special interest in the transport and maritime sector and related sustainability issues and heads the Shipping and Ocean Law Group (SHOC). She represents the Law Faculty in the Green Solution Centre, KU (Green Solutions Centre – University of Copenhagen (
Usynin, Maxim
Postdoc Maxim Usynin explores sustainability aspects of maritime law, extraterritorial regulation of business activities, as well as commercial and investment dispute settlement. He is particularly interested in the interplay between the Nordic and international solutions. Maxim’s PhD project investigated how international investment law can contribute to the promotion of responsible business conduct among foreign investors. Maxim is currently engaged in the Shipping and Ocean Law Group (SHOC) and other collaborative projects at the University of Copenhagen and the University of Oslo.
Weber, Viktor
Viktor Weber is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for International Law and Governance where he conducts research on the role of actors in reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of the shipping industry for the project 'International Law-Making: Actors in Shipping and Climate Change (InterAct)'. Earlier, he has been a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Oslo where he researched the legal aspects of carbon capture and storage. Viktor holds his law degrees (LLB, LLM, PhD) from the University of Southampton (UK).