
Bio-Trade analyses how the EU and European countries can protect biodiversity outside Europe and contribute to positive socio-ecological outcomes through regulating trade relations, supply chains and biodiversity no net loss policies in an effective, fair and coherent way.

Transnational supply chains accelerate biodiversity loss abroad, with EU consumption being one of the major drivers of global deforestation. Bio-Trade analyses the (potential) role of law and of private governance schemes on facilitating or frustrating global biodiversity protection. The project focusses on trade law, supply chain due diligence and biodiversity no net loss policies. It aims at devoloping procedural as well as substantive biodiversity standards in line with Human Rights and the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Bio-Trade is a network project funded by BiodivERsA and the Innovation Fund Denmark with partners from the Finnish Environment Insitute, the Raol Wallenberg Insitute, Sweden, and the University of Bern.








































Name Title Image
Gausdal, Maria Edith Lindholm Assistant Professor Billede af Gausdal, Maria Edith Lindholm
Ulfbeck, Vibe Garf Head of Centre, Professor Billede af Ulfbeck, Vibe Garf


Vibe Garf UlfbeckPI Director of centre, professor
Vibe Garf Ulfbeck

Faculty of Law
University of Copenhagen
South Campus, Building: 6B.3.64
Karen Blixens Plads 16
DK-2300 Copenhagen S

Phone: (45) 35 32 31 48