31. jan. 2024, kl. 12.00-13.00 Ph.d. roundtable – William Unmack Erstatningsretligt medvirkensansvar (på skadevoldersiden).
31. jan. 2024, kl. 12.00-13.00 Ph.D. Roundtable - William Unmack At this Roundtable, Ph.D. fellow William Unmack (CEPRI) will present his Ph.D. project concerning tort law liability for contributory negligence by third parties.
30. nov. 2023, kl. 9.15-16.30 Circular Economy and Contract Law On Thursday 30 November 2023, the CirCus project, funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark, is organising a closed workshop on ‘Circular Economy and Contract Law’.
24. nov. 2023, kl. 8.30-17.00 Constitutions of Value: Acumen and Prognoses At the juncture of a rampageous climate crisis, technological innovations, and exponential inequalities, queries concerning the production and distribution of economic value in national and transnational markets are once again on the spotlight. This workshop engages with the role of law within these socio-political dynamics as a basis for envisioning renewed pathways of reform or transformation to meet shifting normative expectations and socio-ecological needs.
17. nov. 2023, kl. 12.00-13.00 SHOC Seminar with Grant Hunter Grant Hunter of BIMCO will be visiting SHOC to give a short talk on the impact of digitalisation and decarbonisation on shipping contracts and electronic bills of lading in light of the current legislative developments.
9. nov. 2023, kl. 13.00-14.00 CirCus Webinar - Mandatory Sustainability Requirements in EU Public Procurement Law: Implications for the Circular Economy In this webinar, dr. Willem Janssen, prof. Roberto Caranta, and dr. Marta Andhov will discuss the move towards mandatory sustainability requirements in public procurement, and what this means for the circular economy.
27. okt. 2023, kl. 12.00-13.00 Liability for Users of Artificial Intelligence In this presentation, Professor Anne Marie Frøseth from the Faculty of Law in Bergen presents issues she has worked with in her research on liability for damages caused by AI.
26. okt. 2023, kl. 15.00-18.00 Minikonference: Nyt fra transportretten: Opgaver, ansvar og tab inden for vej og bane Den seneste tid har budt på interessante udviklinger inden for godstransportretten. Inden for vejtransport er der kommet nye afgørelser om adgangen til erstatning for indirekte tab samt prøvelsesformerne for sådanne krav. Godstransport foregår imidlertid ikke kun ad vej men også ad bane, og dette område påkalder sig i stigende grad opmærksomhed under den grønne omstilling.
26. okt. 2023, kl. 15.00-18.00 Mini Conference: News from the transport sector: Responsibility, Liability, and Loss in Carriage by Road and Rail This mini-conference focuses on new developments in transport sector.
9. okt. 2023, kl. 13.00-14.00 SHOC Seminar with Bjørn Kunoy: Race for the North Pole – International Legal Framework? All five coastal States to the Central Arctic Ocean have outer continental shelf entitlements to the seabed subjacent.