CirCus Webinar - Mandatory Sustainability Requirements in EU Public Procurement Law: Implications for the Circular Economy


This talk is part of the CirCus webinar series on the Legal Landscape of Circular Supply Chains. In this webinar, dr. Willem Janssen, prof. Roberto Caranta, and dr. Marta Andhov will discuss the broader move towards mandatory sustainability requirements in public procurement, and what this means for the circular economy in the future. The discussion will build on the analysis and conclusions of the edited volume Mandatory Sustainability Requirements in EU Public Procurement Law: Reflections on a Paradigm Shift to be published by Bloomsbury in October 2023.


Bio of Dr. Willem Janssen

Willem Janssen

Dr. W A (Willem) Janssen is an Associate Professor in European and Dutch Public Procurement Law at the law department of Utrecht University and a researcher at the Centre for Public Procurement (UUCePP) and the Centre for Regulation and Enforcement in European (RENFORCE). His research on ‘Public Procurement (Law) for Good’ delves into challenging questions related to sustainable and responsible outsourcing and insourcing in the public procurement law context, including: how can effective regulation come into effect in light of sustainable development?

See Dr Janssen’s detailed research profile here.


Bio of Prof. Roberto Caranta

Roberto Caranta

Prof. Roberto Caranta is a professor at the Law Department of the University of Turin, Italy. He is the coordinator of Sustainability and Procurement in International, European, and National Systems - SAPIENS -International Training Network (SAPIENS-ITN - H2020 – MSCA ITN: Grant 956696), (). His current research focuses on public procurement with focuses on sustainable public procurement and on remedies, EU and administrative comparative law, with a focus on judicial protection.

See Prof Caranta’s detailed research profile here.


Bio of Dr. Marta Andhov

marta andhov

Dr. Marta Andhov is an associate professor at the University of Copenhagen Faculty of Law. Her main research interests focus on public procurement law, sustainability, governmental contracts and the interaction between public and private law in the context of international trade.

See Dr Andhov’s detailed research profile here.


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