iCourts Summer School

Each year in June, iCourts hosts a high-level summer school for PhD students working on international law and courts. We particularly welcome students who take a special interest in the social and political context of international courts and conducts a research project that involves an interdisciplinary approach to the study of one or more international courts.

The set-up

The iCourts summer school is based on the principle of active participation.

This means that students who sign up for the summer school are expected to contribute to discussions and to participate in the exercises that are part of the learning program.

As you learn more through interaction and discussion with fellow researchers, the summer school requires of you that you will be willing to share your work through presentations and to offer your intellectual curiosity to others by asking questions and giving comments to your peers.

What was the most valuable part of the course?

“The constructive feedback on my work from leading academics and my peers, as it really pushed me to think about and re-think my work”