23. marts 2023, kl. 8.45-9.45 Breakfast Briefing with Jakob Dideriksen HDMS Esbern Snare in the Gulf of Guinea: Piracy, Self-Defence, and Lessons Identified
22. marts 2023, kl. 12.15-13.15 Lunch seminar with Francesca Leucci The Efficiency of Remedies for Environmental Harm: A Comparative Law and Economic Analysis of Natural Resource Damage Valuations in Courts
15. marts 2023, kl. 12.15-13.15 Lunch seminar with Gabrielė Chlevickaitė Witness Evidence And Legal Decision Making: Empirical And Normative Analyses Of International Criminal Justice
9. marts 2023, kl. 8.45-9.45 Breakfast Briefing with Joëlle Trampert MH17 in The Hague and in Strasbourg – Reflections on the Dutch Court’s Judgment and the European Court of Human Rights’ Admissibility Decision
8. marts 2023, kl. 12.15-13.15 Book launch with Emilia Justyna Powell The Peaceful Resolution of Territorial and Maritime Disputes
1. marts 2023, kl. 12.15-13.15 Lunch seminar with Audrey Plan A Theory Of Strategic Judicial Dialogue : Convergence And Divergence Between The European Court Of Justice And The European Court Of Human Rights
23. febr. 2023, kl. 8.45-9.45 Breakfast Briefing with Iryna Bogdanova Economic Sanctions against Russia: The End of the “Wandel durch Handel” Narrative
22. febr. 2023, kl. 12.15-13.15 Lunch seminar with Marcus Schnetter Rhetoric as a Legitimacy Booster. Persuasion in Decisions of Constitutional Courts
9. febr. 2023, kl. 8.45-9.45 Breakfast Briefing with Sergii Masol Russia, People under its Jurisdiction and the European Court of Human Rights: The End and New Beginnings
8. febr. 2023, kl. 12.15-13.15 Lunch seminar with Theresa Squatrito Judging under Constraint: The Politics of International Courts and their Decision-Making