Reshaping Work and Welfare in the Digital Age – WorkWel

WorkWel launches new approaches to “platformity” and asks the tricky questions of whether platform work disrupt the existing legal framework and, more fundamentally, whether it raises concerns in terms of social protection of its workers/providers.

The Gig Economy with Man Using Mobile Phone to Access Services

Platform work is an atypical form of work in many respects, for example, because it is usually task-based, involves several partners, is dependent on technology and uses algorithms and big data. It risks increasing situations of precariousness of the workforce and rising inequalities within society. The objective of WorkWel is to analyse how this new type of organisation of work affects the regulation of labour and social security protection, their relationship and the problems, which flow from there. The meta-research question is thus the following: How disruptive is platform work for workplace governance and social security and how does it contribute to a rethinking of the central pillars of the welfare state?









  1. ‘Platform work, social protection and flexicurity in Denmark’
    Jacqueson, Catherine, 1 nov. 2021, I: International Social Security Review.

    Bergqvist, ChristianJacqueson, Catherine, Huffmann, M., Lind, Y. & Schmidt-Kessen, M. J., 2021, I: Europaraettslig Tidskrift. 2021, 2, s. 237 267 s.

  3. Schoukens, P., Barrio, A., & De Becker, E. (2022). Platform economy and the risk of in-work poverty: A research agenda for social security lawyers. In De Stefano, V., Durri, I., et al. (eds.), A Research Agenda for the Gig Economy and Society, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 93-112.

  4. Barrio, Alberto, 2023, The Role of the EU in Adapting Social Law to the Digital Transformation of Work: Lessons learned from the proposed Directive on improving working conditions in platform work, I: Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal, 2023/1, 20-45.

    Jacqueson, Catherine, okt. 2023, Pioneering social Europe - Liber Amicorum Herwig Verschueren. Die Keure, s. 161-169 9 s. Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Bidrag til bog/antologi › Forskning › fagfællebedømt

  6. Barrio, A. (2024). Unemployment insurance for platform workers: Challenges and approaches from a comparative perspective. European Journal of Social Security, 26(2). 

  7. Jacqueson, C. (2024). An effective protection against unemployment of self-employed and platform providers? The intriguing case of Denmark. European Journal of Social Security, 26(2). 


New York – 30 June 2024 - Platform Work from a European Welfare Perspective – Alberto Barrio.

London UCL and Online - 14 June 2024 - Scope for Progress / The Future of Personal Work - Catherine Jacqueson

Brussels and Online - 6 June 2024 - Online Public Hearing on “Imbalances in social protection in general and specifically for the "new forms of work" and "atypical workers" - Catherine Jacqueson

Oxford - 9 May 2024 - Reshaping Welfare in the Digital Age: Algorithmic Challenges in the Platform Work Landscape | Oxford, Faculty of Law - Alberto Barrio

Amsterdam - January 2024 - The future of European social citizenship - EUSocialCit Conference Amsterdam

Warsaw – June 2023 -  The potential social protection impact of the proposed Directive on improving working conditions in platform work – Alberto Barrio

Copenhagen – 9 May 2022 – MoveS Cross-Border Work and Social Security Protection – Alberto Barrio 
Alberto Barrio - Social security coordination and platform work

Online seminar - 24 June 2022 - Social security coordination and platform work – Alberto Barrio
Alberto Barrio - Webseminar - Social security coordination and platform work

Lissabon – 22 June 2022 – Improving the working conditions of platform work – Catherine Jacqueson
Catherine Jacqueson - The Commission’s directive proposal on platform work – paradoxes and novelties

 Bruxelles, ETUI – 14 February 2023 – The future of work: working with and through digital technology – Alberto Barrio
Alberto Barrio - Regulatory challenges under EU law: Lessons learnt from the proposed Directive on improving working conditions in platform work 

Budapest - April 2023 - Decent work in the digital Age - Alberto Barrio
The role of the EU in adapting social law to the digital transformation of work



  1. Jacqueson, Catherine and Barrio, Alberto, 2024, At Last a Directive protecting platform work - Now what? EU Law Analysis, 26 April 2024 
  2. Barrio, Alberto, 2023, A Hidden Battlefield: The Social Security Impact of the Proposed Directive on Improving Working Conditions in Platform Work, I: Verfassungsblog, 20 July 2023



























Internal researchers

Name Title
Jacqueson, Catherine Professor Billede af Jacqueson, Catherine