WELMA Lunch seminar with Prof. Frans Pennings

The influence of the human image in social security law
Prof. Frans Penning from Utrecht University will visit Welma from the 28th of May to the 6th of June and will discuss the influence of the human image in social security, its evolution and further developments.
To secure a sandwich write to birgitte.lohse.meinertz@jur.ku.dk before Monday the 3st of June at 10 am.
Date: Tuesday 4th of June 12.00-13.00
Place: Welma Kitchen 5C-2, South Campus, Njalsgade 76, DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Read more about Reshaping Work and Welfare in the Digital Age – WorkWel
PI professor
Catherine Jacqueson
South Campus,
Building: 5C.2.09
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Phone: +45 35 32 35 97
E-mail: Catherine.Jacqueson@jur.ku.dk