Lunch seminar on taking stock of the EU’s digital agenda

Exploring the strengths, weaknesses and interconnections of the Digital Services Act, AI Act, Data Act and the Platform Work Directive
The seminar aims to provide a general picture taking stock of key legislative initiatives under the EC's Digital Agenda that seek to strengthen the data economy.
It will cover the Digital Services Act, emphasizing the crucial elements required for effective enforcement. It will explore three legislative proposals and their implications for human rights, social, and labour dimensions: (1) the ‘Data Act’, which aims aim of ensuring fairness in the allocation of value from data among actors in the data economy and unlock its potential in sectors such as science, health or climate; (2) AI Act, that sets harmonised rules for the development, placement on the market and use of AI systems and, (3) the Platform Work Directive, which seeks to improve the working conditions of platform workers.
Join us as we explore the multifaceted dimensions of these significant developments in the EU's digital landscape.
Taking stock of the EU's Digital Agenda: exploring the strengths, weaknesses and interconnections of the DSA, AI Act, Data Act and
PWD, Aida Ponce Del Castillo Senior researcher, Foresight Unit (pdf)
Please register no later than 8 June 2023 using this registration form.
Sandwiches are served in connection with the seminar. For reasons of ordering, tick the registration form.
Read more about Reshaping Work and Welfare in the Digital Age – WorkWel
PI professor
Catherine Jacqueson
South Campus,
Building: 5C.2.09
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Phone: +45 35 32 35 97