The future of European social citizenship - EUSocialCit Conference Amsterdam 18-19.1.24

Will but no way? Alberto Barrio & Catherine Jacqueson present on the ambiguity in the ESPR’s initiatives regarding social protection.
With the European Pillar of Social Rights, the EU showed a clear concern regarding the social protection of atypical workers, as well as a willingness to address this concern through legislative initiatives such as the Council Recommendation on access to social protection and that on minimum income and the proposed Directive on improving working conditions in platform work. All these initiatives, however, showed a tension between the need (as identified by the Commission and other EU institutions) to act on certain social protection issues, on the one hand, and the actual capacity for these institutions to do so, due to limitations resulting from the distribution of competences under EU law, the demanding approval process linked to some legal basis, and the lack of willingness from some Member States. This contribution attempts to address this tension and, in particular, whether it represents a serious threat for the process of consolidation of the EU social citizenship.
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