Workshop on Algorithm Management, the Automatization of Welfare and Social Security

The WorkWel project is holding its final workshop on September 30th at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen. Join us to discuss algorithmic management in the workplace with labour law scholars Six Silberman from Oxford University, Halefom Abraha from Utrecht University, and Vincenzo Pietrogiovanni from the University of Southern Denmark. Senior consultant Thorkild Holmboe-Hay from the labour union 3 F will present the algorithm/AI provisions of the recently renewed collective agreement on the HILFR platform, following years of negotiations.
The workshop will also explore the welfare state dimension of algorithmic management. Anne Spijkstra from Tilburg University will address legal challenges presented by welfare automatisation and digitisation, while Alberto Barrio from University of Copenhagen and WorkWel will examine the social security dimension of algorithms. Catherine Jacqueson from University of Copenhagen and WorkWel, together with Alberto Barrio, will chair the discussions and debate.
- Algorithmic Management: Major Challenges for Trade Unions, Vincenzo Pietrogiovanni, University of Southern Denmark (pdf)
- Procedural Rights as an Antidote to Welfare State Dystopia, Anne Spijkstra, University of Tilburg (pdf)
- Algorithms and Social Security, Alberto Barrio, University of University of Copenhagen (pdf)
Please use this registration formno later than Friday 27 September 2024 at 12:00.
PI professor
Catherine Jacqueson
South Campus,
Building: 5C.2.09
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Phone: +45 35 32 35 97