In the Aftermath of a Judgment: Why Human Rights Organisations Should Harness the Potential of Rule 9

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NGOs and NHRIs – collectively referred to as human rights organisations (HROs) – have long enjoyed a certain celebrity for impactful litigation at the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), but what do they do once the desired judgment has been handed down? Do they disperse or do they follow up, and if the latter, what does their follow-up look like? These and similar questions demarcate the largely uncharted territory that is HRO participation in the ECtHR execution process. As elusive as their responses might appear, the data to formulate them is all there, publicly available and easily accessible on the Court’s HUDOC-EXEC website in the form of Rule 9 communications.
Publikationsdato3 mar. 2021
UdgiverStrasbourg Observers
StatusUdgivet - 3 mar. 2021

ID: 258034937