Igangværende forskningsprojekter

FIRE – Fiscal Relations Research Group igangværende forskningsprojekter er:










Afsluttede forskningsprojekter

This project investigates the legal opportunities and challenges of the use of technology-based tools in VAT administration as means for combating VAT fraud, facilitating compliance and supporting the proper functioning of the harmonised EU VAT. VATTECH is a MSCA Individual Fellowship research project, funded by the European Commission.

Read more about the project





Karina Kim Egholm Elgaard

Karina Kim Egholm Elgaard

FIRE – Fiscal Relations Research Group
Det Juridiske Fakultet
Københavns Universitet
Karen Blixens Plads 16
2300 København S

Telefon: (+45) 35 32 37 86
E-mail: karina.egholm.elgaard@jur.ku.dk