8. nov. 2023,
kl. 12.00-13.00
Alle tidligere arrangementer fra CLIMA
13. okt. 2023,
kl. 9.00-10.00
Climate Breakfast Seminar Series - Plastics as a driver of climate change: can a treaty be the solution?
12. okt. 2023,
kl. 15.30-17.00
The Climate Compass – A green legal career
11. okt. 2023,
kl. 12.00-13.00
Lunch Seminar with María Carro Pitarch
28. sept. 2023,
kl. 17.00-18.15
Virtual launch of the edited collection “Public interest litigation in international law”
28. sept. 2023,
kl. 12.00-13.00
CILG Lunch Seminar: From Multilateral to Minilateral Climate Governance?
22. sept. 2023,
kl. 9.30-11.30
XII Interdisciplinary Seminar on Climate, Energy and Sustainability
15. sept. 2023,
kl. 9.00-10.00
CBSS: Climate Litigation and Private Law: Protecting Rights and Preventing Damage in the Face of Climate Change
12. sept. 2023,
kl. 14.00-16.30
Current Challenges in Climate Arctic Governance: Expert Roundtable and Students Lab
4. sept. - 5. sept. 2023