31. aug. 2023,
kl. 12.00-13.00
Alle tidligere arrangementer fra CLIMA
29. aug. 2023,
kl. 12.00-13.00
CILG Lunch Seminar: The Law of the Sea as an Infrastructure: Rethinking Ocean Governance to Foster Global Justice
28. aug. 2023,
kl. 16.00-18.00
Climate Change and Investment Protection: Aligning Investment Treaties with the Paris Agreement
26. maj 2023,
kl. 9.30-11.30
XI Interdisciplinary Seminar on Climate, Energy and Sustainability
24. maj 2023,
kl. 9.00-10.00
Climate Breakfast Seminar Series with Lone Wandahl Mouyal
10. maj 2023,
kl. 9.00-10.00
Climate Breakfast Seminar Series: Rethinking climate and water governance through empathy compassion and care
24. marts 2023,
kl. 12.00-13.00
CILG Lunch Seminar: Offshore Carbon Capture and Storage and the Protection of the Marine Environment
20. marts - 21. marts 2023
EnAct Conference: Human Rights and Investment Law for Climate Change: Trends and Prospects
8. marts 2023,
kl. 12.00-13.00
CILG Lunch Seminar: Climate Change and Maritime Boundaries: Legal Consequences of Sea Level
3. marts 2023,
kl. 12.00-13.00