JURFAST - The Legal Framework for the use of health data

Denmark has in international comparison a unique collection of health data, with significant research potential. Due to the new General Data Protection Regulation, researchers and research institutions need systematized knowledge of the rules for using health data for research. The present research project aims to meet this need by providing a comprehensive, systematized and easily accessible analysis of the rules on the use of health data for research.

Health data collage

Project period: 2017-2020

Furthermore the thorough and objective jurisprudential analysis can assist authorities and courts in assessing the legality of a given use of health data for research and have an impact on the Danish legislative process, as the work will reveal the legislative scope for national legislation to lay down specific rules for Danish research.


Janne Rothmar Herrmann contributed with a chapter on the regulation on biobanking co-authored by Berit Faber and a chapter on research on deceased person co-authored with Jøren Ullits Nielsen. Publication forthcoming.




The Lundbeck Foundation

JURFAST - The Legal Framework for the use of health data has received a three year funding from The Lundbeck Foundation

Project: JURFAST - The Legal Framework for the use of health data.
(Grant number: R155-2016-2966)

Period: 2017-2020


PI Associate Professor
Kent Kristensen

University of Southern Denmark

Campusvej 55
DK-5230 Odense M
Phone: +45 65 50 32 46
E-mail: kkr@sam.sdu.dk