Conceptualizing a Human Right to Menstrual Health - Breaking Societal Taboos and Promoting Female Health (CReaTe)
The project fills a critical gap in women’s right to health by investigating how human rights can be leveraged to promote menstrual health.
Surrounded by stigma and taboo, menstruation has so far been narrowly framed as a hygienic issue that needs to be managed by simply giving access to hygienic products to protect women’s rights to privacy and dignity. However, this narrow approach fails to recognize menstruality as a whole, namely, the entire menstrual cycle (ovulation & menstruation from menarche to menopause), recognized as a vital sign, and inadvertently reinforces the idea that menstruation is shameful and needs to be concealed or suppressed.
This narrow “menstrual hygiene management” approach overshadows other critical human rights, in particular women’s rights to health, body literacy and agency. The project investigates how human rights can be leveraged to decrease menstrual stigma and create a more positive narrative around menstruality, and by conceptualizing a comprehensive human right to menstrual health for the first time.
Olsen, Céline E J L Brassart, Sep 2023, (Submitted) In: Human Rights Law Review.
Master theses
Rebekka Rye Jørgen Carreterro
Menstrual health - The right to free menstrual products and menstrual health education in the context of schoolgirls and female prisoners´ rights
Emma Märta Aagaard Madsen, Victor Silas Filipsen Larsen
Den menneske- og diskriminationsretlige beskyttelse af menstruerende personer i Danmark/ The human- and non-discrimination rights framework surrounding menstruators in Denmark
A Call to Regulate Menstrual Product Manufacturers
When the Sleeping Law Meets the Bleeding Beauty: The Emergence of Menstrual Rights
Roundtable - The Promises and Perils of Using Human Rights in the Context of Menstruation
Human Rights Perspectives on Menstrual Applications & Wearables
Menstruation: retten til privat liv og retten til ikke-diskriminering
Conceptualizing a Human Rights Approach to Menstrual Health beyond Hygiene Management at Incorpore: what law does to our bodies (February 2023)
Beyond Pads: From Menstrual Hygiene Management to a Comprehensive Right to Menstrual Health
Menstrual Justice, Rights and Equity Workshop, KU (December 2023)
Name | Title | |
Herrmann, Janne Rothmar | Professor |
Olsen, Céline E J L Brassart | Assistant Professor |
CReaTe has received a three year funding from Independent Research Fund Denmark.
Project: Conceptualizing a Human Right to Menstrual Health - Breaking Societal Taboos and Promoting Female Health (CReaTe)
(Grant number: 2033-00121B)
Period: 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2025
PI Professor with special responsibilities
Janne Rothmar Herrmann
South Campus,
Building: 6B.3.15
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Phone: +45 35 33 41 08
CO-PI Assistant Professor
Céline E J L Brassart Olsen
South Campus,
Building: 6B.3.20
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Phone: +45 35 32 31 57