Perceptions and Conceptions of Feedback: Differences between Levels of Study in a School of Law

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearch

Feedback is a key component of student learning, student progression and the academic experience.1 It is assumed to be important as a result of the relationship between feedback, improved performance and achievement.2 The growing recognition of its importance in the past decade is reflected both in the learning and teaching literature, and in the current context; Evans recently undertook an analysis of 460 articles on feedback in higher education (HE) produced in the past 12 years,3 while simultaneously the UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) and the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) both emphasise the importance of feedback. The QAA states that "effective learning occurs when students are enabled to … make effective and responsible use of … feedback from formative and summative assessment',4 and the UKPSF, which sets out the professional standards *Cov. L.J. 2 and guidelines for HE providers and learners, includes assessment and the giving of feedback as one of the Framework's areas of activity.5
Original languageEnglish
JournalCoventry Law Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2018

ID: 338782243