Ricardo Andres Vasquez Dazarola

Ricardo Andres Vasquez Dazarola

PhD fellow

I am a lawyer who graduated from the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile (LL.B. - Bachelor in Legal Sciences), and the Universiteit Leiden, the Netherlands, with an Advanced LL.M. in Law and Digital Technologies (cum laude). Currently, I am developing doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law of the University of Copenhagen as a PhD fellow at CECS (Center for European, Comparative, and Constitutional Legal Studies). My research topic is the study of the new regulatory framework emerging at the EU level to address the artificial amplification of disinformation on social media during electoral periods. In addition to my project, I teach the "Human Rights, Democracy and Digital Technology" course. 

Current research

PhD Title: Automated Weapons of Mass Persuasion: A Study of EU Legal Responses to the Artificial Amplification of Disinformation on SMPs During Elections.

Project Period: September 2022 – August 2025.

Supervisor: Professor Dr Helle Krunke.

Co-Supervisor: Professor Dr Iryna Marchuk.

Centre for European, Comparative, and Constitutional Legal Studies (CECS).

The PhD project positions itself at the intersection of two specific but interconnected themes in the disinformation ecosystem. On the one hand, it focuses on the changes brought by new technologies, empowered mainly by AI, like deep fakes, that artificially amplify disinformation effects on social media during elections and its negative impact on societal values, democracy, and citizens' fundamental rights (the problem). On the other hand, this work studies EU novel legal responses to this phenomenon in order to understand how these diverse rules work and interact with each other, which will be the core subject of this thesis (the response).


- Guest Lecturer in the Regulating Internet Giants - Google, Amazon and Facebook Master Level course (Professor Veronika Fikfak).

- Teacher in the Human Rights, Democracy and Digital Technology Master Level course.

ID: 318004553