Jesper Lau Hansen

Jesper Lau Hansen



2001: Doctor Juris (Dr. Jur.), University of Copenhagen
1993: Master of Laws (LL.M.), University of Cambridge
1992: Advokat (lawyer), admitted to the bar of the Court of Appeal
1989: Candidatus Juris (Cand. Jur.), University of Copenhagen

Professional career:

2003-: Professor of Financial Markets Law (full tenure)
2001-03: Associate Professor
1999-2001: Assistant Professor
1995-99: Research fellow, University of Copenhagen
1989-1995: Kromann & Münter, law firm, Copenhagen


  • The Nordic Network for Company Law
  • The Nordic Corporate Governance Network
  • The Danish Corporate Governance Association
  • The Danish Association for Company Law
  • The Danish Association for Arbitration and LCIA
  • European Forum on Securities Regulation
  • International Corporate Governance Society
  • Kredsen Mars og Mercur
  • The Law Society

Appointments and positions:

  • Member of the Rector's Selection Committee, Crown Princess Mary's Scholarship (2004-)
  • Member, Commission's Informal Company Law Expert Group (ICLEG 2014-19), reappointed (2020-).
  • Member, Academic Committee, European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI), (2017-)
  • Member, Academic Council, Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law (SCCL), University of Stockholm (2021-).
  • Member of the board of the Danish Association for Company Law (2012-)
  • Member, Executive Committee of the Danish Committee of the Int. Academy of Comparative Law
  • Director or chairman of the board in several mutual funds (UCITS and AIF) connected to the financial group Nykredit.
  • Member of the editing committee, Juridisk Formularbog (DJØF Publishers), a survey of Danish laws (2004-)
  • Editorial Committee, Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret (Nordic J. of Corporate Law) (2009-)
  • Editorial Committee, FinansInvest (2014-)
  • Managing editor, European Company and Financial Law Review (2019-)
  • Arbitration in various cases, appointed by the Danish Institute of Arbitration

 Former appointments:

  • Chairman, Rector's Election Committee, U. of Copenhagen (2011-22)
  • Member from the Faculty of Law of Rector's Researchers Panel, an advisory group serving Rector at the UCPH (2020-2023)
  • Academic member of ESMA's Stakeholder Group (2011-13). Reappointed and elected chair (2013-16).
  • Member of the Danish FSA committee on the education of directors in financial undertakings (independt expert) (2015-16).
  • Member of the public Committee on regulation of SIFIs (independent expert), 2012-13.
  • Member of the public Committee to Modernise Danish Company Law (independent expert), 2006-08
  • Member of the public Committee on the ban on insider dealing (independent expert), 2005-10
  • Member of the Reflection Group on the future of EU company law, expert committee appointed by the European Commission (2010-11)
  • Member and later chairman of the board, Nordisk Kollegium (a college), 2002-2010.
  • Member of the board of NASDAQ Nordic Foundations, Sweden (2011-2024).
  • Member of the board of CEPOS (a think-tank) (2004-2024)
  • Editorial board, Journal of Corporate Law Studies (2005-2014).
  • The Danish Management Society, VL 12 (2012-22).
  • Member, VL group 12 (2012-2022), Chair (2018).
  • Member, VL group 12 (2012-2022), Chair (2018).

Knowledge of languages

  • Danish and English.
  • Understands Norwegian and Swedish.


Lawyer, Doctor Juris

ID: 9081