Governing Health 4.0: Legal and Ethical Considerations – US-European Perspectives

Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

Timo Minssen - Organizer

Professor Timo Minssen had a key role in organizing the CeBIL Seminar headed "Governing Health 4.0: Legal and Ethical Considerations – US-European Perspectives", acting as both an organizer and a speaker. The event brought together experts on the legal and ethical considerations that the introduction of AI technologies has to tackle. The audience received a unique combination of perspectives from leading scholars coming from a multidisciplinary background.
27 May 2019


ConferenceGoverning Health 4.0: Legal and Ethical Considerations – US-European Perspectives
LocationConference/flex room, ground floor, room 8A-0-57, Njalsgade 76, DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Period27/05/2019 → …
Internet address

    Research areas

  • Governing Health, Legal, Ethical

ID: 250869156