Mette Hartlev

Mette Hartlev


  1. 2023
  2. Udgivet

    Equality of opportunities? The right to health in the Nordic welfare societies

    Hartlev, Mette, 2023, Festskrift til Elisabeth Rynning: Integritet och rättssäkerhet inom och bortom den medicinska rätten. Dahlin, M., Garland, J., Lind, A-S., Singer, A. & Slokenberga, S. (red.). Iustus förlag, s. 147-160 12 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Patientens rettigheder

    Hartlev, Mette & Hybel, U., 2023, Patient - Grundbog i sygepleje. Danbjørg, D. B. & Tvistholm, N. (red.). 3. rev. udgave udg. Gyldendal, s. 134-154 21 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    Privacy and Health in the Nordic countries

    Hartlev, Mette, 2023, Privacy and Medical Confidentiality in Healthcare. Vansweevelt, T. & Glover-Thomas, N. (red.). Edward Elgar Publishing, s. 91-113 22 s. (Global Perspectives on Medical Law).

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  5. 2022
  6. Udgivet

    Access to Health

    Hartlev, Mette, 2022, Health and Human Rights: Global and European Perspectives. Toebes, B., Hartlev, M., Hendriks, A., O Cathaoir, K., Herrmann, J. R. & Aasen, H. S. (red.). 2. udg. Intersentia, s. 203-219 17 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Human Rights Principles and Patient Rights

    Hartlev, Mette & Sinding Aasen, H., 2022, Health and Human Rights: Global and European Perspectives. Toebes, B., Hartlev, M., Hendriks, A., O Cathaoir, K., Herrmann, J. R. & Aasen, H. S. (red.). 2. udg. Intersentia, s. 53-87 25 s.

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  8. 2021
  9. Udgivet

    Balancing of individual rights and research interests in Danish biobank regulation

    Hartlev, Mette, 2021, GDPR and Biobanking: Individual Rights, Public Interest and Research Regulation across Europe. Slokkenberga, S., Tzortzatou, O. & Reichel, J. (red.). Springer, s. 215-226 12 s. (Law, Governance and Technology Series).

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  10. Udgivet

    Biobanking Across Europe Post-GDPR: A Deliberately Fragmented Landscape

    Tzortzatou, O., Slokenberga, S., Reichel, J., da Costa Andrade, A., Barbosa, C., Bekaert, S., van Veen, E., Romeo-Casabona, C. M., Ó Cathaoir, Katharina, Chassang, G., Debucquoy, A., Derèze, J., Dollé, L., Eaker Fält, S., Halouzka, R., Hartlev, Mette, Hisbergues, M. & Hoppe, N., 2021, GDPR and Biobanking. Tzortzatou, O., Slokenberga, S. & Reichel, J. (red.). Springer, s. 397-419 23 s. (Law, Governance and Technology Series).

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  11. Udgivet

    The Right to Health for People Living in Poverty: a Human Rights Perspective

    Hartlev, Mette, 2021, Research Handbook on Human Rights and Poverty. Davies, M., Kjaerum, M. & Lyons, A. (red.). Edward Elgar Publishing, s. 402-416 15 s.

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  12. 2020
  13. Udgivet

    The child's right to health as a tool to end childhood obesity

    Ó Cathaoir, Katharina & Hartlev, Mette, 16 dec. 2020, Ending Childhood Obesity: A Challenge at the Crossroads of International Economic and Human Rights Law. Garde, A., Curtis, J. & De Schutter, O. (red.). Edward Elgar Publishing, s. 57 - 85 28 s.

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  14. Udgivet

    Lovgivning - realiteter og udfordringer

    Hartlev, Mette & Ó Cathaoir, Katharina, 1 aug. 2020, Personlig medicin : filosofiske og tværvidenskabelige perspektiver. Klausen, S. H. & Christiansen, K. (red.). Munksgaard , s. 179-187 9 s.

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