Hanne Marie Motzfeldt

Hanne Marie Motzfeldt


  • Faculty of Law Research Centres

    Karen Blixens Plads 16, 2300 København S, 6A Bygning 6A (Afsnit 3), Building: 6A-3-38

    Phone: +4542800611Mobile: +4542800611

Member of:

    1. 2019
    2. Digitaliseringsklar lovgivning - behov for en reform af forvaltningsretten?

      Motzfeldt, Hanne Marie (Keynote)

      19 Aug 201922 Aug 2019

      Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

    3. Kunstig intelligens og etikken (Nordisk Råd - paneldeltager)

      Motzfeldt, Hanne Marie (Participant)

      17 Jun 2019

      Activity: Other activity typesOther

    4. Dine digitale spor = en guldgrube for forskerne (paneldeltager)

      Motzfeldt, Hanne Marie (Participant)

      15 Jun 2019

      Activity: Other activity typesOther

    5. Retten til privatliv i en digital tidsalder - Justitia (paneldeltager)

      Motzfeldt, Hanne Marie (Participant)

      15 Jun 2019

      Activity: Other activity typesOther

    6. Kunstig intelligens og ægte mennesker (Paneldeltager)

      Motzfeldt, Hanne Marie (Participant)

      14 Jun 2019

      Activity: Other activity typesOther

    7. Magtens tredeling (podcastdeltager)

      Motzfeldt, Hanne Marie (Participant)

      14 Jun 2019

      Activity: Other activity typesOther

    8. Kan velfærd digitaliseres? - IT-Universitetet (paneldeltager)

      Motzfeldt, Hanne Marie (Participant)

      13 Jun 2019

      Activity: Other activity typesOther

    9. Digital forvaltning - retlige rammer for udviklingssagen

      Motzfeldt, Hanne Marie (Speaker)

      24 May 2019

      Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

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