Timo Minssen

Timo Minssen


  1. 2014
  2. A European view on the US Supreme Court’s hyper-activity in patent law - What are the reasons and why should we care?

    Minssen, Timo (Lecturer)

    20 Aug 2014

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

  3. U.S. Patent Trolls Chinese Cyber Thieves

    Minssen, Timo (Organizer)

    20 Aug 2014

    Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

  4. IPRs in biobanking - Risks and opportunities for translational research and open innovation-

    Minssen, Timo (Speaker)

    27 May 2014

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

  5. Five years legally binding EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

    Minssen, Timo (Participant)

    9 May 2014

    Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

  6. Legal challenges of the CoNext project with special emphasis on the MAX IV and ESS facilities in Lund,

    Minssen, Timo (Lecturer)

    18 Mar 2014

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

  7. Regulatory pathways and incentives for sustainable antibiotics -European Initiatives - Broad Institute (Cambridge MA)

    Minssen, Timo (Lecturer)

    7 Mar 2014

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

  8. University of Oxford

    Minssen, Timo (Visiting researcher)

    Mar 2014Jun 2014

    Activity: Visiting an external institution typesVisiting an external academic institution

  9. Regulatory exclusivities for pharmaceutical innovation - A panel debate at Harvard Law School

    Minssen, Timo (Speaker)

    19 Feb 2014

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

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