
  1. Udgivet
  2. Udgivet

    Infographic. Nutrition and oral health in sport: time for action

    Needleman, I., Rankin, A., Ashley, P., Fairbrother, T., Fine, P., Gallagher, J., Kings, D., Maughan, R. J., Melin, A. K. & Naylor, M., 2019, I: British Journal of Sports Medicine. 53, 22, s. 1432-1433 2 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Inhibition of α-glucosidase activity by selected edible seaweeds and fucoxanthin

    Zaharudin, N. B., Stærk, Dan & Dragsted, Lars Ove, 2019, I: Food Chemistry. 270, s. 481-486 6 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    Inorganic phosphate, protons, and diprotonated phosphate may contribute to the exacerbated muscle fatigue in older adults

    Hostrup, Morten, Bangsbo, Jens & Cairns, S. P., 2019, I: Journal of Physiology. 597, 19, s. 4865-4866 2 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Insulin resistance, weight, and behavioral variables as determinants of brain reactivity to food cues: a Prevention of Diabetes through Lifestyle Intervention and Population Studies in Europe and around the World - a PREVIEW study

    Drummen, M., Dorenbos, E., Vreugdenhil, A. C. E., Raben, Anne, Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S. & Adam, T. C., 2019, I: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 109, 2, s. 315-321 7 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    Insulin tolerance test under anaesthesia to measure tissue-specific insulin-stimulated glucose disposal

    Fazakerley, D. J., Fritzen, Andreas Mæchel, Nelson, M. E., Thorius, I. H., Cooke, K. C., Humphrey, S. J., Cooney, G. J. & James, D. E., 2019, I: Bio-protocol. 9, 2, 13 s., e3146.

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  7. Udgivet

    Integrated method for quantitative morphometry and oxygen transport modeling in striated muscle

    Al-Shammari, A. A., Kissane, R. W. P., Holbek, S., Mackey, Abigail, Andersen, T. R., Gaffney, E. A., Kjær, Michael & Egginton, S., 2019, I: Journal of Applied Physiology. 126, 3, s. 544-557 14 s.

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  8. Udgivet

    Integrating temperature-dependent life table data into Insect Life Cycle Model for predicting the potential distribution of Scapsipedus icipe Hugel & Tanga

    Otieno, M. H. J., Ayieko, M. A., Niassy, S., Salifu, D., Abdelmutalab, A. G. A., Fathiya, K. M., Subramanian, S., Fiaboe, K. K. M., Roos, Nanna, Ekesi, S. & Tanga, C. M., 2019, I: P L o S One. 14, 9, 27 s., e0222941.

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  9. Udgivet

    Interaction between hormone-sensitive lipase and ChREBP in fat cells controls insulin sensitivity

    Morigny, P., Houssier, M., Mairal, A., Ghilain, C., Mouisel, E., Benhamed, F., Masri, B., Recazens, E., Denechaud, P-D., Tavernier, G., Caspar-Bauguil, S., Virtue, S., Sramkova, V., Monbrun, L., Mazars, A., Zanoun, M., Guilmeau, S., Barquissau, V., Beuzelin, D., Bonnel, S. & 27 flere, Marques, M., Monge-Roffarello, B., Lefort, C., Fielding, B., Sulpice, T., Astrup, A., Payrastre, B., Bertrand-Michel, J., Meugnier, E., Ligat, L., Lopez, F., Guillou, H., Ling, C., Holm, C., Rabasa-Lhoret, R., Saris, W. H. M., Stich, V., Arner, P., Rydén, M., Moro, C., Viguerie, N., Harms, M., Hallén, S., Vidal-Puig, A., Vidal, H., Postic, C. & Langin, D., 2019, I: Nature Metabolism. 1, 1, s. 133-146 14 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Interaction between indoor occupational heat stress and environmental temperature elevations during heat waves

    Ciuha, U., Pogačar, T., Bogataj, L. K., Gliha, M., Nybo, Lars, Flouris, A. D. & Mekjavic, I. B., 2019, I: Weather, Climate, and Society. 11, 4, s. 755-762 8 s.

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