Asli Arda

Asli Arda


Medlem af:

    Aslı works as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, CEPRI in the Shipping and Ocean Law Group (SHOC) project of Green Transition and the Law of Shipping (GreenLaSH) since April 2023. The project primarily focuses on digitalization and decarbonization in shipping from a private law perspective. Please see: for more detailed information on SHOC and the GreenLaSH project.

    Aslı formerly worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at CEPRI from May 2020 and her project predominantly focused on the management and liability aspects of the commercial implementation of remotely-controlled and autonomous ships. 

    Aslı has an LLM in Maritime Law with distinction from University of Exeter, UK, and she holds a PhD in Law from the same University, which she obtained in 2020. Her PhD thesis is titled 'Muddying the Water: Incorporation of Arbitration Clauses in Shipping, Insurance, and Construction Chain Contracts.' She converted her thesis into a monograph titled 'Arbitration Clauses and Third Parties' which will be published in Lloyd's Arbitration Law Library in Summer 2023: 

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