Union citizens and the recognition of professional qualifications: where do we go from here?
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- Union_citizens_and_the_recognition_of_professional_qualifications_Silvia Adamo & Tom Binder
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A fast and efficient recognition procedure can open the door to an easy insertion into a foreign EU labour market. Since the 1960s, EU legislations and institutions have fostered a detailed system for recognition of professional qualifications to help Union citizens make use of their titles and skills across the Union. The system for mutual recognition of professional qualifications is supposed to alleviate the national markets’ shortage of labour, enhancing the intra-mobility of professionals and acting as a guarantee for their skills. However, the agreement on this mutual system has not been easy to achieve, and many administrative hurdles persist at a national level. In this chapter, after reviewing the legislation in the area, a selection of Member States’ practices will be used as a showcase for the practical, cultural, and economic barriers Union citizens may encounter when they move to another Member State and wish to exercise their profession.
Originalsprog | Engelsk |
Titel | EU Citizens' Economic Rights in Action : Re-Thinking Legal and Factual Barriers in the Internal Market |
Redaktører | Sybe de Vries, Elena Ioratti, Paolo Guarda, Elisabetta Pulice |
Antal sider | 23 |
Forlag | Edward Elgar Publishing |
Publikationsdato | 2018 |
Sider | 37-59 |
ISBN (Trykt) | 978-1-78811-345-8 |
ISBN (Elektronisk) | 978-1-78811-346-5 |
Status | Udgivet - 2018 |
Navn | Interdisciplinary Perspectives on EU Citizenship series |
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