The Interaction of the Medical Device Regulation and the GDPR: Do European rules on privacy and scientific research impair the safety & performance of AI medical devices? 

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Stipulations on de-identification and scientific research in the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) help research organizations to use personal data with fewer restrictions compared to data collection for other purposes. Under these exemptions, organizations may process specific data for a secondary purpose without consent. However, the definition and legal requirements of scientific research differ among EU Member States. Since the new EU Medical Device Regulations 2017/745 and 2017/746 require compliance with the GDPR, the failure to come to grips with these concepts creates misunderstandings and legal issues. We argue that this might result in obstacles for the use and review of input data for medical devices. This could not only lead to forum shopping but also safety risks. The authors discuss to what extent scientific research should benefit from the research exemption and de-identification rules under the GDPR. Furthermore, this chapter analyzes recently released guidelines and discussion papers to examine how input data is reviewed by EU regulators. Ultimately, we call for more harmonized rules to balance individuals’ rights and the safety of medical devices.
TitelThe Future of Medical Device Regulation : Innovation and Protection
RedaktørerI. Glenn Cohen, Timo Minssen, W. Nicholson Price II., Christopher Robertson, Carmel Shachar
Antal sider13
ForlagCambridge University Press
ISBN (Trykt)9781108972055
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781108975452
StatusUdgivet - 2022

ID: 257550425