International Trade Disputes on Renewable Energy

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This chapter explores the recent streak of international trade disputes in the renewable energy sector, while taking into particular consideration the implications of such disputes for the interaction between international climate change and trade law. Briefly pointing out the role played by each of these two legal regimes for the promotion of renewable energy, this chapter delves into a closer analysis of the legal issues that have given rise to disputes before the World Trade Organization. First, this chapter examines the adoption of renewable energy support schemes as an expression of green industrial policies, shedding light on their broader climate and trade implications. Then, the chapter provides a classification of renewable energy disputes into the two macro-categories of disputes concerning discriminatory renewable energy subsidies and disputes on unilateral trade remedies. For each of these two categories, this chapter highlights the synergetic potential between international climate and trade law, as well as relevant policy developments, which may tackle the existing frictions.
TitelHandbook on Trade Policy and Climate Change
RedaktørerMichael Jakob
ForlagEdward Elgar Publishing
ISBN (Trykt)9781839103230
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781839103247
StatusUdgivet - 2022

ID: 243013847