Ulla Neergaard

Ulla Neergaard


Medlem af:

    1. Udgivet


      Neergaard, Ulla, Jacqueson, Catherine, Holst-Christensen, Nina, Danielsen, J. H. & Ølykke, G. S., 2014, Public Procurement Law: Limitations, Opportunities and Paradoxes. The XXVI FIDE Congress in Copenhagen 2014. Congress Publications Vol. 3. Neergaard, U., Jacqueson, C. & Ølykke, G. S. (red.). Copenhagen: Djøf Forlag, Bind 3. s. 27-36 10 s.

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    2. Udgivet


      Neergaard, Ulla, Jacqueson, Catherine, Holst-Christensen, Nina, Danielsen, J. H. & Ølykke, G. S., 2014, Union Citizenship: Development, Impact and Challenges. The XXVI FIDE Congress in Copenhagen 2014. Congress Publications Vol. 2. Neergaard, U., Jacqueson, C. & Holst-Christensen, N. (red.). Copenhagen: Djøf Forlag, Bind 2. s. 27-36 10 s.

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    3. Udgivet

      Welcome Address

      Neergaard, Ulla, 2014, Proceedings: Speeches from the XXVI FIDE Congress. The XXVI FIDE Congress in Copenhagen 2014. Congress Publications Vol. 4. Neergaard, U. & Jacqueson, C. (red.). Copenhagen: Djøf Forlag, Bind 4. s. 14-20 7 s.

      Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningfagfællebedømt

    4. Udgivet

      Whatever is necessary… will be done’ - Solidarity in Europe and the COVID-19 Crisis

      Neergaard, Ulla & de Vries, S., 2020, EU Law Press S.A.

      Publikation: AndetUdgivelser på nettet - Net-publikationForskning

    5. Udgivet

      When FIDE Came Back to the North

      Neergaard, Ulla & Jacqueson, Catherine, 2014, I: Europaraettslig Tidskrift. 2014, 4, s. 681-687 7 s.

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    6. Udgivet
    7. Udgivet

      Where Did the Spirit and Its Friends Go? On the European Legal Method(s) and the Interpretational Style of the Court of Justice of the European Union

      Neergaard, Ulla & Nielsen, R., 2011, European Legal Method - Paradoxes and Revitalisation. Neergaard, U., Nielsen, R. & Roseberry, L. (red.). Copenhagen: Djøf Forlag, s. 95-184 90 s.

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    8. Accepteret/In press

      ‘Eurarctic’: Colonialism and EU-Greenland Relations

      Neergaard, Ulla, 2024, (Accepteret/In press) ‘Eurarctic’: Colonialism and EU-Greenland Relations. Eklund, H. (red.). Cambridge University Press

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    9. Udgivet

      ’A More United Europe’ and the Danish Conundrum

      Neergaard, Ulla, 2019, The Future of Europe: Political and Legal Integration Beyond Brexit. Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, A. & Groussot, X. (red.). Hart Publishing, s. 249-274 26 s.

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    10. Udgivet

      ’Whatever is necessary… will be done’ - Solidarity in Europe and the COVID-19 Crisis

      Neergaard, Ulla & de Vries, S., 15 jul. 2021, EU Law in Times of Pandemic, The EU's Legal Response to COVID-19. Utrilla, D. & Shabbir, A. (red.). EU Law Live Press, s. 75-93 19 s.

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    11. Udgivet

      ’When Poverty Comes in at the Door, Love Flies Out the Window’: The Influence of Eurozone Reforms Upon the Social Dimension of the EU – and Vice Versa

      Neergaard, Ulla, 2016, I: European Labour Law Journal. 2, s. 168-204 37 s.

      Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

    12. Udgivet
    13. Udgivet

      “Imprints of Colonialism and the EU-Greenland Relations”

      Neergaard, Ulla, 2022, s. 1-9. 9 s.

      Publikation: KonferencebidragKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskning

    14. Udgivet

      “Keynote session - EU, Covid-19 and Nationalism: Legal Aspects”

      Neergaard, Ulla, 2022, s. 164-168. 5 s.

      Publikation: KonferencebidragKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskningfagfællebedømt

    15. Udgivet

      “Op-Ed: ‘Whatever is necessary… will be done’ – Time for a Less One-Sighted View on Solidarity in Europe in the Shades of Covid-19”

      Neergaard, Ulla & de Vries, S., 23 apr. 2020, 2 s. EU Law Live

      Publikation: AndetUdgivelser på nettet - Net-publikationForskning

    16. Udgivet

      “The Political, Economic and Social Physiognomy of the European Union”

      Neergaard, Ulla, Kornezov, A., Glöckler, G., Tridimas, T. & Gros, D., 2024, “Conclusions and Pleanry Debates. Foucs on the Constitutional Identity of the Member States and of the European Union” The XXX FIDE Congress in Sofia. 2023 Congress Publications, Volume IV. Arabadjiev, A. & Kornezov, A. (red.).

      Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningfagfællebedømt

    17. Udgivet

      “‘Whatever is necessary… will be done’ - Solidarity in Europe and the Covid-19 Crisis”

      Neergaard, Ulla & de Vries, S., 23 apr. 2020, EU Law Live, s. 1-19.

      Publikation: Working paperForskning

    18. Udgivet

      “‘Whatever is necessary… will be done’ – Time for a Less One-Sighted View on Solidarity in Europe in the Shades of Covid-19”

      Neergaard, Ulla & de Vries, S., 8 jun. 2020, FIDE Fundación

      Publikation: AndetUdgivelser på nettet - Net-publikationForskningfagfællebedømt

    19. Udgivet

      “’Whatever is necessary… will be done’ - Solidarity in Europe and the COVID-19 Crisis”

      Neergaard, Ulla & de Vries, S., 2020, I: EU Law Live - Weekend edition. 14, s. 17-35

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