Timo Minssen

Timo Minssen


  1. 2022
  2. Udgivet

    The Ethics and Laws of Medical Big Data

    Gunnarsdóttir, Hrefna Dögg, Cohen, G., Minssen, Timo & Gerke, S., 2022, The Cambridge Handbook of Information Technology, Life Sciences and Human Rights. Ienca, M., Pollicino, O., Liguori, L., Stefanini, E. & Andorno, R. (red.). Cambridge University Press, s. 48-55

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  3. Udgivet

    The Interaction of the Medical Device Regulation and the GDPR: Do European rules on privacy and scientific research impair the safety & performance of AI medical devices? 

    Meszaros, J., Corrales Compagnucci, Marcelo & Minssen, Timo, 2022, The Future of Medical Device Regulation: Innovation and Protection. Cohen, I. G., Minssen, T., Price II., W. N., Robertson, C. & Shachar, C. (red.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 77-90 13 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningfagfællebedømt

  4. Udgivet

    Using the International Pandemic Instrument to Revitalize the Innovation Ecosystem for Antimicrobial R&D 

    Morales Caceres, A., Kumar Singh, K., Minssen, Timo, Hoffman, S. J. & Van Katwyk, S. R., 2022, I: Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. 50, S2 (Winter 2022), s. 47-54 8 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Volume Introduction: "The Future of Medical Device Regulation: Innovation and Protection"

    Shachar, C., Cohen, G., Minssen, Timo, Price II, W. N. & Robertson, C., 2022, The Future of Medical Device Regulation: Innovation and Protection. Cambridge University Press, s. 1-10 10 s.

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