Timo Minssen

Timo Minssen


  1. 2020
  2. Udgivet

    Social, cultural and economic aspects of antimicrobial resistance

    Minssen, Timo, Outterson, K., Van Katwyk, S. R., Batista, P. H. D., Chandler, C., Ciabuschi, F., Harbarth, S., Kesselheim, A., Laxminarayan, R., Liddell, K., Osterholm, M. T., Price, L. & Hoffman, S. J., 3 dec. 2020, I: Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 98, 12, s. 823-824 2 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    ELSI Implications of Prioritizing Biological Therapies in the Times of COVID-19

    Druedahl, Louise C., Lebret, Audrey & Minssen, Timo, okt. 2020, I: Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. 48, 3, s. 579-582

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  4. Udgivet

    Knowledge transfer for large scale vaccine manufacturing

    Price II, W. N., Rai, A. & Minssen, Timo, 13 aug. 2020, I: Science. 369, 6506, s. 912-914

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  5. Udgivet

    Applying the Proportionality Principle to COVID-19 Antibody Testing

    Gunnarsdóttir, Hrefna Dögg, Sinha, M. S., Gerke, S. & Minssen, Timo, 4 aug. 2020, I: Journal of Law and the Biosciences . 7, 1

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  6. Udgivet

    Germany’s Digital Health Reforms in the COVID-19 Era: Lessons and Opportunities for Other Countries

    Gerke, S., Stern, A. & Minssen, Timo, 10 jul. 2020, I: Nature PJ Digital Medicine. 3, s. 1-6 6 s., 94.

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  7. Udgivet

    When does stand-alone software qualify as a medical device in the European Union? The CJEU decision in SNITEM and what it implies for the next generation of medical devices

    Minssen, Timo, Mimler, M. & Mak, V., 1 jul. 2020, I: Medical Law Review. 28, 3, s. 615-624 10 s.

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  8. Udgivet

    The European Artificial Intelligence Strategy: Implications and Challenges for Digital Health

    Cohen, G., Evgeniou, T., Gerke, S. & Minssen, Timo, 23 jun. 2020, I: The Lancet Digital Health. 2, 7, s. 376-379

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  9. Udgivet

    An EU comparative analysis of the regulation of clinical trials supervisory bodies in the aftermath of Regulation 536/2014

    de Miguel Beriain, I., Chortara, T., Minssen, Timo, Feeney, O., Duardo-Sánchez, A., Fernández de Uzquiano, E., Felzmann, H., Lievevrouw, E., Marelli, L., Mattsson, T., Pulice, E., Raposo, V. L., Robienski, J., Penasa, S., Van Hoyweghen, I. & Herrmann, Janne Rothmar, 18 jun. 2020, I: European Public Law. 26, 2, s. 307-330 23 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Clinical trials data transparency & GDPR compliance: What are the effects on data sharing and open innovation?

    Minssen, Timo, Rajam, N. & Bogers, Marcel, 4 apr. 2020, I: Science and Public Policy. 47, 5, s. 616-626 11 s.

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  11. Udgivet

    Regulatory responses to medical machine learning

    Minssen, Timo, Gerke, S., Aboy, M., Price II, W. N. & Cohen, G., apr. 2020, I: Journal of Law and the Biosciences . 7, 1, s. 1-18 18 s.

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