Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen

Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen


Medlem af:

    1. 2022
    2. Udgivet

      Arctic Asylum: The Legal Regulation of Asylum-Seekers and Refugees in Greenland and Svalbard

      Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas & Klinge, Sune, 2022, I: Nordic Journal of International Law. 91, 2022, s. 148-171 23 s.

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    3. Udgivet

      Crisis: critical and interdisciplinary perspectives

      Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas, Rydström, H., Hamza, M. & Berggren, V., 2022, I: Global Discourse: An interdisciplinary journal of current affairs. 12, 3-4, s. 456-59 4 s.

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    4. Udgivet

      Danish Immigration Law

      Scott Ford, Sarah & Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas, 2022, Public Law: Insights into Danish Constitutional and Administrative Law. Nielsen, P. A. & Olsen, J. (red.). Hans Reitzels Forlag, s. 167-208

      Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningfagfællebedømt

    5. Udgivet

      Deconstructing Gender in Asylum Categories: An Archival Perspective on a Practice with Limited Access

      Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas, Kaltenhäuser, Kristin, Møller, Naja Holten & Slaats, Tijs, 2022, I: Proceedings the European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. 20, 19 s.

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    6. Udgivet

      Introduction: Nordic Visions of International Migration and Refugee Law

      Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas & Scott Ford, Sarah, 2022, I: Nordic Journal of International Law. 91, 1, s. 1-16 16 s.

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    7. Udgivet
    8. Udgivet

      Mobility and the legal infrastructure for Ukrainian refugees

      Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas & Hoffmann, F., 2022, I: International Migration. 60, 4, s. 213-216

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    ID: 926563