Ingrid Lund-Andersen

Ingrid Lund-Andersen

Professor emerita

  1. 2015
  2. Udgivet

    Danish Report on Informal Relationships

    Lund-Andersen, Ingrid, 15 jun. 2015, Hamburg: Commission on european Family law. 35 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Contracts in Danish Family Law: In the Cross Field Between Civil Law and Public Law

    Lund-Andersen, Ingrid, 2015, Contractualisation of Family Law: Global Perspectives. Swennen, F. (red.). Cham, Switzerland: Springer, s. 147-164 18 s. (Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law, Bind 4).

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  4. Udgivet

    Discussion of Legal Policy: Principles for Regulating Cohabitation Relationships

    Lund-Andersen, Ingrid, 2015, Nordic Cohabitation Law. Asland, J., Brattström, M., Lind, G., Lund-Andersen, I., Singer, A. & Sverdrup, T. (red.). Cambridge, Antwerp, Portland: Intersentia, s. 267-282 16 s. (European Family Law Series, Bind 37).

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  5. Udgivet

    Financial Settlements on Termination of Cohabitation

    Lund-Andersen, Ingrid, 2015, Nordic Cohabitation Law. Asland, J., Brattström, M., Lind, G., Lund-Andersen, I., Singer, A. & Sverdrup, T. (red.). Cambridge - Antwerp- Portland: Intersentia, Bind 37. s. 109-160 52 s. (European Family Law Series, Bind 37).

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  6. Udgivet

    National report : Denmark

    Lund-Andersen, Ingrid, 2015, European Family Law in Action: Volume V: Informal Relationships. Boele-Woelki, K., Mol, C. & van Gelder, E. (red.). Cambridge - Antwerp - Portland: Intersentia, 35 s. (European Family Law Series, Bind 38).

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  7. Udgivet

    Retsvirkningslovsudvalgets forslag til regler med fokus på beskyttelse og rimelighed

    Lund-Andersen, Ingrid, 2015, I: Tidsskrift for Familie- og Arveret. 4 s., ART2015028601-TFA.

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ID: 920208