New Frontiers of Legal Realism: American, Scandinavian, European, Global

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typerDeltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus

Joseph Lookofsky - Deltager

  • JUR Forskningscenterområdet
13:45-15:15: Session I 13:45-14:10: Brian Leiter (University of Chicago Law School): Legal Realisms, Old and New Jakob v. H. Holtermann (University of Copenhagen): Getting Real or Staying Positive : Legal Realism(s), Legal Positivism, and the Prospects of Naturalism in Jurisprudence Heinz Klug (University of Wisconsin Law School) & Elisabeth Mertz (University of Wisconsin Law School) : Legal Realism : Translating for a Post-Imperial Law Mikael Rask Madsen (University of Copenhagen): Making Law Intelligible : From Legal Realism to Reflexive Sociology of Law Yves Dezalay (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique): Beyond the Doctrinal Limits of Legal Realism : The Construction of Legal Markets Through Investments in Social Capital, Knowledge and State Politics Karen Knop (University of Toronto) & Annelise Riles (Cornell Law School): Resisting the Turn Away From Law : On Post-Post-Essentialist Feminism and US Foreign Policy Jeffrey J. Rachlinski (Cornell University Law School): Does Empirical Legal Studies Shed More Heat than Light? Gregory Shaffer (University of Minnesota Law School) & Victoria Nourse (Georgetown University): Empiricism versus Experimentalism as Forms of New Legal Realism Torben Spaak (Uppsala University): Realism about the Nature of Law Henrik Palmer Olsen & Stuart Toddington (University of Huddersfield): Being Realistic About Legal Theory Diana Constantinescu (University College London): Reviving Legal Realism: An Updated perspective of the Hunch in Judicial Decision Making Frederick Schauer (University of Virginia): Legal Realism Untamed
29 maj 2012


KonferenceNew Frontiers of Legal Realism: American, Scandinavian, European, Global

ID: 38386272