Regulatory Innovation to Incentivize Green Hydrogen (RIGHydro)

This project entitled Regulatory Innovation to Incentivize Green Hydrogen aims to contribute to the deployment of green hydrogen as a key component of the green transition in Denmark, the EU and beyond.

To achieve the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and address the climate emergency by securing the 1.5°C temperature goal set by the Paris Agreement, it is imperative that the shift from fossil-based energy production and consumption to renewable energy sources happens in the next few years. 

However,  achieving this shift is not only a matter of hard science breakthroughs, but also of advancing policy paths and legal frameworks to deploy the available GHG emissions control knowledge and technologies at the speed and scale required to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.


RIGHydro –  aims to contribute to the deployment of green hydrogen as a key component of the green transition in Denmark, the EU and beyond. Through a comprehensive understanding and analysis of the latest regulatory developments, the project will point out how to enable, from a legal and institutional perspective, the deployment of green hydrogen in Denmark.

Expected results and impact

The project will:

i) contribute to the planning of a green hydrogen infrastructure by tackling regulatory, implementation and institutional barriers,

ii) support the design of financial incentives for the production and commercialization of green hydrogen, and

iii) propose ways in which to increase green hydrogen’s social acceptance, including consumers-centered solutions.


In 2023, the renewable energy sector in Denmark was taken by surprise when the Danish Energy Agency announced the suspension of the open-door scheme. The suspension has forced the industry to put all pending offshore wind projects on hold, leading to financial losses as well as a general uncertainty about future investments in the wind and Power to X industries.

The reason given by the Danish Energy Agency for suspending the scheme was a concern about its compliance with EU law. While the question is currently being considered by EU and Danish authorities, it demonstrates a clear need for more transparency between the EU and Danish regulatory directives and an investigation of the regulatory development within the area.


RIGHydro’s main objective will be addressed through the project as a whole, further informed by two specific sub-projects in details:

Sub project -1: Regulatory development within the field of green hydrogen

Develop a comprehensive analysis of regulatory development within the field of green hydrogen.


Sub project-2: Building legal and institutional capacities to accelerate the green fuels transition

Develop and implement a research-based capacity and knowledge building course concerning regulatory and institutional innovations within the green fuels market.





Compilation of RIGHydro-related activities



  1. RIGHydro Presentations for the thematic panel: "Citizen Engagement in Green Energy Transition" at the 2024 Annual AHRI Conference:
  1. Meng Zhang: “Navigating the EU’s Leading Role towards a Climate Club of Green Hydrogen in a Polarized World - Governance Innovation or Imagination?”. The 11th EELF Conference: Groningen, Netherlands, 28-30 August 2024
  • Meng Zhang: “Navigating the EU’s Leading Role towards a Climate Club of Green Hydrogen in a Polarized World - Governance Innovation or Imagination?” (The 11th EELF Conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 28-30 August 2024)


The RIGHydro project is created through the collaboration between CLIMA, the Institute of Anthropology and BehaveGreen, and is conducted through cross-project synergies with the following projects and networks:

DART – A model for engaging citizens in the renewable energy transition

DEEP – Designing Community Collaboration for Sustainable Energy Parks

MissionGreenFuels - Green Fuels in Transport and Industry

BehaveGreen – A human-centred approach to drive sustainable change



Name Title
Search in Name Search in Title
Adam Duane Orford Guest Researcher Billede af Adam Duane Orford
Alberto Barrio Fernandez Postdoc Billede af Alberto Barrio Fernandez
Ana Stella Ebbersmeyer Postdoc Billede af Ana Stella Ebbersmeyer
Beatriz Martinez Romera Head of Centre, Associate Professor Billede af Beatriz Martinez Romera
Emanuele Guarna Assanti Guest Researcher Billede af Emanuele Guarna Assanti
Jacques Hartmann Guest Researcher Billede af Jacques Hartmann
Meng Zhang Postdoc Billede af Meng Zhang


Innovation Fund Denmark

Regulatory Innovation to Incentivize Green Hydrogen (RIGHydro) has received a three year funding from Innovation Fund Denmark.

Project: Regulatory Innovation to Incentivize Green Hydrogen (RIGHydro)

Period: 2023 - 2026


Beatriz Martinez RomeraPI Associate Professor
Beatriz Martinez Romera

South Campus, Building 6A.4.09
DK 2300 Copenhagen S
Phone: +45 35 32 31 80

External members:

Name Title E-mail
Simon Lex Associate Professor

Kristoffer Ravnbøl Co-founder, BehaveGreen
Yair Asael Alpuche Alvarez Postdoc