10 June 2022

The Green Procurement Mornings

De grønne udbudsmorgener og kaffekop

The Green Procurement Mornings is a new procurement law event series that focuses on the possibilities of including green considerations in public contracts. The event series is organised by the Centre for Legal Studies in Welfare and Markets (WELMA) as part of the research project PROCUREGREEN. The public sector in Denmark procures goods and services in the amount of about a billion DKK daily. With consumption of this calibre, it is evident that public procurement is an essential element for the green transition and a more sustainable economy. But how does a contracting authority set relevant green requirements for companies performing a given task? How are bidders incentivised to compete to be the most climate-friendly economic operator? And when does it make sense to include climate- and environmental considerations in the competition for public contracts? These questions, and many more, will be discussed at the Green Procurement Morning in autumn 2022.

Read the full programme here (in Danish)