Call for Papers - CArGo Conference Transitions in Climate Arctic Governance

The interdisciplinary Climate Arctic Governance (CArGo) research network welcome proposals for paper and poster presentations at the CArGo conference on Transitions in Climate Arctic Governance, which will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark, on the 16th of September 2022.
Conference Background, Overarching Questions and Sessions
Global warming is felt at an accelerated speed in the Arctic environment, affecting people and ecosystems alike. Due to the increasingly visible local effects, as well as the importance of the region for the entire globe (e.g. reduced albedo effect enhancing global warming), there is an urgent interest for inter- and multidisciplinary research on Arctic issues.
The conference aims to explore the different transitions within Arctic climate governance, which are necessary to address the increasing societal, climate and sustainability challenges the Arctic is facing. The conference will focus on Arctic socio-economic systems and the different legal, political, geographical and cultural regimes at play. In particular, the conference centers around the Arctic governance landscape, paying specific attention to the current geopolitical situation. Further, it will examine the topics of Arctic shipping, climate vulnerability, and natural resources in the Arctic.
The conference is organized around four thematic sessions addressing the following topics:
- Setting the scene: climate Arctic governance
The first session will provide an overview of the current Arctic governance framework, with a specific view to the changes in Arctic governance that have resulted from Russia’s war in Ukraine.
- Climate vulnerability
Session three will address climate vulnerabilities in the Arctic. The session will discuss how vulnerable systems and communities deal with a changing Arctic, with a focus on indigenous communities and socio-ecological systems and resilience.
- Shipping
Session two will focus on shipping in the Arctic. It will discuss low-carbon shipping in the Arctic in general, the development of new Arctic shipping routes (especially the Northern Sea Route and the Northwest Passage), the usage of new and alternative fuels, new infrastructure developments, as well as the human dimension of Arctic shipping.
- Resources
Session four will cover natural resources in the Arctic, including both marine (fishing, seabed, etc.) and terrestrial resources (oil, gas, sand). Additionally, activities connected to natural resources in the Arctic, such as mining, will be included in this session.
This interdisciplinary conference is open to scholars from all disciplines, industry representatives, civil society, government representatives and others with an interest in climate Arctic governance. The conference will include papers presented by invited participants as well as authors selected in the course of this call for papers. We specifically encourage early career researchers (ERCs) as well as researchers of Arctic indigenous background to submit proposals. ERC’s are also invited to partake in the ERC poster contest and networking event.
Submission of Proposals
The conference calls for both paper and poster presentations. All proposals should address specific questions related to the overall theme of the conference.
Selected paper presentations will have the option to be published in a Special Issue (journal TBD). All papers must conform to the journal content scope and form, and will be processed through the journal’s standard peer review procedures. Further, presentations and short think pieces will be published on the CArGo website.
Selected posters will be presented at a dedicated poster session, which includes a poster-contest for ECRs.
All proposals should include:
- An abstract (max. 500-words) with a title, the author(s)’s name(s) and affiliation(s)
- A biographical note / CV
- Contact information
- Please indicate what session of the conference your paper addresses
- Please indicate whether you would like to present a poster or paper
- Please indicate if you are interested in contributing a full paper to the special issue
All proposals should be submitted by the 1st of August 2022 to Authors will be informed of the final decision by the 15th of August 2022. The choice of proposals will seek to ensure a balanced representation of the various aspects of the conference theme.
There is no registration fee for the conference. Meals, coffee, and refreshments will be provided for participants during the conference. Presenters and discussants will also be invited to the conference dinner.
Travel costs and accommodation in Copenhagen could be covered for speakers upon request and depending on the availability of funds. Please indicate if you need financial support when submitting your paper proposal.
The conference is supported by the University of Copenhagen.