International Law-Making: Actors in Shipping and Climate Change (InterAct)

InterAct is a research project that studies the actors involved in international-law making processes concerning the climate change impact of shipping. InterAct will contribute to new academic insights into the theory of actors in international law and law-making, while providing an understanding and a way forward to address maritime transport climate-related impacts. Specifically, InterAct focuses on market-based measures and the energy transition for international maritime transport, and the regulation of shipping in the Artic.
















Compilation of InterAct-related activities


PhD Defense, A Stella Ebbersmeyer, Regulating Black Carbon Emissions from Arctic Shipping - The Role of Non-State Actors in International Law-Making (16 December 2024)

Viktor Weber, ‘The economic element of the IMO’s basket of mid-term measures and the actors of the shipping industry’ 30 Journal of International Maritime Law 28, 2024

Stella Ebbersmeyer, Did you know that a lack of Arctic shipping regulation has detrimental environmental effects?, 2024

Viktor Weber, ‘The actors of green ship finance: all hands on deck and some more’ (2023) 29(3) Journal of International Maritime Law 152-164, 2023

Alessandro Monti and Stella Ebbersmeyer, ‘Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB56): Review’, IUCN WCEL Climate Change Law Network Blog, July 2022.



  • Stella Ebbersmeyer: PPR11, International Maritime Organization, London, UK (19-23 February 2024)
  • Viktor Weber, ‘Maritime Decarbonisation, Europe: Conference, Awards & Exhibition 2023’ conference, Amsterdam (26-27 September 2023)
  • Viktor Weber, ‘ShippingLab’ conference, DTU Copenhagen (30 August 2023)
  • Viktor Weber, ‘The Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Research Programme’ conference, World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden (3-4 May 2023)
  • Stella Ebbersmeyer, ‘The Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Research Programme’ conference, World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden (3 May 2023)
  • Stella Ebbersmeyer and Viktor Weber: MEPC80, International Maritime Organization, London, UK (3-7 July 2023).
  • Stella Ebbersmeyer: Participant at 2023 Arctic Circle Japan Forum, Tokyo (4-6 March 2023)
  • Stella Ebbersmeyer: Participant at 2022 Arctic Circle Assembly, Reykjavík (13-16 October)
  • Stella Ebbersmeyer: Attendance as observer at the UNFCCC SB56 Bonn Climate Change Conference, Bonn, Germany (7-9 June 2022).
  • Stella Ebbersmeyer: Participant at the Arctic Spirit Conference, Rovaniemi (16-17 Nov 2021).

Podcast episodes – The Climate Show:




InterAct Activities:

Research Stays:

  • Viktor Weber, Faculty of Law, University of Bergen, Norway (13-22 February 2023)
  • Stella Ebbersmeyer and Viktor Weber: Scandinavian Institute for Maritime Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, Denmark (August – September 2022)
  • Stella Ebbersmeyer: Polar Cooperation Research Centre (PCRC), Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Kobe University, Japan (February – March 2023
  • Stella Ebbersmeyer: Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, Finland (August – September 2023)
  • Stella Ebbersmeyer and Viktor Weber: Energy Institute, University College London, UK (July 2023)














Name Title
Martinez Romera, Beatriz Head of Centre, Associate Professor Billede af Martinez Romera, Beatriz
Weber, Viktor Postdoc Billede af Weber, Viktor


Carlsberg Foundation logo

International Law-Making: Actors in Shipping and Climate Change (InterAct) has received funding from Carlsberg Foundation

Project: International Law-Making: Actors in Shipping and Climate Change (InterAct)
(Grant number: CF20-0600)

Period: 01-09-2021 –31-03-2025


Beatriz Martinez RomeraPI Associate Professor
Beatriz Martinez Romera

South Campus, Building 6A.4.09
DK 2300 Copenhagen S
Phone: +45 35 32 31 80