Tildelte ph.d.-grader ved Det Juridiske Fakultet siden 1995


  • Ana Stella Ebbersmeyer
    Regulating Black Carbon Emissions from Arctic Shipping
    The Role of Non-State Actors in International Law-Making

  • Magdalena Maria Socha
    Parallel Framework Agreements

  • Amanda Lee Shapiro
    Sex, Drugs, and Rights to Uphold
    The United States’ and Denmark’s Compliance with Human Rights Obligations to Gender Non-Discrimination in Health Care

  • Andrew Mazibrada
    Slumbering Sentinel
    Elaborating a Right to Protection from the Adverse Effects of Scientific Progress and its Applications

  • Johanna Sophie Bürkert
    International Law in Arctic Socio-Ecological Systems´ Resilience to Climate Change - The case of bowhead whaling

  • Ula Aleksandra Kos
    Pushback Against the European Court of Human Rights System Pockets of Non-Compliance in the European Central East

  • Emilie Katrine Friis
    Skik følge… eller hvad så?
    En analyse af grundlaget for privatretlige konsekvenser af brud på god skik-regler

  • Salome Addo Ravn
    Assessing the Evolving Authority of the African Human Rights System:
    A Case Study of Tanzania.
  • Anna Murphy Høgenhaug
    Opening up the Black Box of Refugee Status Determination
    Explaining Outcome Variations across the Scandinavian Asylum Systems

  • Hjalte Osborn Frandsen
    The Regulation of Space Traffic - An investigation of regulatory frameworks for orbital traffic rules in low Earth orbit
  • Annemette Fallentin Nyborg
    Om forholdet mellem dansk-europæiske menneskerettigheder og bæredygtighedskrisen - Harmonier, kollisioner og nye balancer

  • Kathrine Rosman Nielsen
    EU-rettens påvirkning på dansk rekonstruktionsret


  • Sue Anne Teo
    Towards human rights 2.0? A meta-theoretical analysis of the disruptions to human rights foundations by artificial intelligence

  • Mathilde Worch Jensen
    Det strafferetlige forsøgs- og medvirkensansvar i et offerperspektiv
  • Hrefna Dögg Gunnarsdóttir
    Transparent data use in biomedical research

  • Theodora Valkanou
    Grounding the Law: An International Law Study on Food Sovereignty.

  • Berdien Bernarda Erika van der Donk
    Digital Bouncers: A European roadmap to navigate access rights and moderation issues on social media platforms

  • Asbjørn Thranov
    The International Law and Politics of Cyber Espionage

  • Julie Jarland
    The Ambitions and Impact of the ICC: A mixed methods study of the impact of the ICC as a complementary court within the global justice constellation

  • Anja Møller Pedersen
    The Fundamental Rights to Privacy and Data Protection in the EU Legal Order: Reconciling privacy rights and rationales

  • Sarah Scott Ford
    Entangled Asylum: A socio-legal perspective on the interactions between human rights and refugee law across Nordic asylum institutions.

  • Lars Skriver
    Masseforvaltning af årsopgørelser i et oplysningsfrit skattesystem
    En retlig undersøgelse af de processuelle regler for skattemyndighedernes masseafgørelser


  • Nicolaus Falk-Scheibel
    Digital Entrepriseret: Building Information Modeling – fortolkning, adfærdsnormer, ydelser og ansvar

  • Behrang Kianzad
    What Makes a Price (Un)Fair? Excessive Pharmaceutical Pricing in European Competition Law
  • Magnus Esmark
    Without Verona Walls. The Production of Danish European Union Law 1973 – 2020

  • Maria Elisabeth Reimer Rasmussen
    Seksuel chikane på arbejdspladsen – en retlig analyse

  • Lea Kjærsgaard
    Vogternes vogter: Kontrol, retssikkerhed og tillid i sager mod politiet.
  • Kathrine Elmose Jørgensen
    Pathways in and out of Salafi-jihadism: A qualitative criminology of Danish foreign fighters (2010-2015).

  • Budhimali Aloka Wasingasuriya
    The Impact Conundrum: The International Criminal Court and the Impact of its Intervention in Georgia and Ukraine.


  • Sara Spiro Svendsen
    Vicarious Liability for Group Torts

  • Rasmus Horskjær Nielsen
    Konkurrencen om den offentlige kontrakt: Fastlæggelse og beskrivelse af kriterier for tildeling, vægtning heraf og evaluerings-modeller.

  • Mikele Schultz-Knudsen
    The Complex Interplay Between National Law and Practised Islam Investigating Emergent Behaviours in Denmark
  • Desmond Johnson
    The Structural Republican Model of Deliberative Constitutionalism and Non-domination: A Theory of Institutional Balance as Democratic Contestation for the EU

  • Maria Edith Lindholm Gausdal
    Soft Law Business as Usual? Fundamental labour standards in private and public commercial contracts

  • Christy Lynne Kollmar
    Vertical Restraints in the Digital Age: Best Practices in the Assessment, Application and Enforcement of Resale Price Maintenance

  • Signe Adler-Nissen
    Beskyttelse eller overbeskyttelse af børn - samtykke til behandling af personoplysninger
  • Matthijs M. Maas
    Artificial Intelligence Governance under Change
    Foundations, Facets, Frameworks

  • Linnéa Nordlander
    Clarifying the Loss and Damage of Climate Change from a Human Rights Perspective: Scope, Implications, and Implementation Beyond Paris 

  • Ulla Callesen Klinge
    Is the SPC regulation (still) fit for purpose? SPC eligibility of modern pharmaceuticals

  • M. Lena Trabucco
    Judges on the Battlefield? Judicial Observer Effects in US and UK - National Security Policies


  • William Hamilton Byrne
    Legal Scholarship at Work - An Empirical Analysis of the Use of Theory in the Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 

  • Monia Fleischer Ben Soltane
    Forretningshemmelighedens retsværn – forandring, forankring og fremtidsperspektiver

  • Matteo Bottero
    Posting of Workers in EU Law – Challenges of Equality, Solidarity and Fair Competition
  • Ida Gundersby Rognlien
    Fattigdom – Diskriminering – Relasjoner: Grunnleggende forsørgelsesrettslige problemer

  • Annika Frida Petersen
    Stigmatisering af psykisk sygdom i sundhedssystemet - Et menneskeretligt perspektiv
  • Katrine Barnekow Rasmussen
    Biased Offender Access to Restorative Justice Initiatives? An examination of the national police-based Danish Victim Offender Mediation programme
  • Leonard van Rompaey
    Discretionary Robots - Conceptual Challenges in the Legal Regulation of Machine Behaviour
  • Maxim Usynin
    The beauty of the beast: How international investment law can contribute to the promotion of responsible business conduct
  • Malthe Hilal-Harvald
    Militant Constitutional Identity – A Theoretical Framework for the European Laws on Headscarves and Face Veils.
  • Elisa Faustinelli
    The development of a “more multi-sided approach” in the enforcement of EU competition law
  • Sébastien Lorion
    The institutional turn of international human rights law and its reception by state administrations in developing countries
  • Laura Ratiniece
    Interaction between Legal Certainty and Legal Standards of the CISG
  • Dmitry Kurnosov
    The European Court of Human Rights and the Law of Democracy


  • Andreas Sams Kambjerre
    Life Insurance and Shadow Banking – a Comparison of Solvency II and the Finalised Basel III
  • Artem Anyshchenko
    The Precautionary Principle in EU Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnology
  • Sune Klinge
    EU-direktiver og grundrettigheder i horisontale retsforhold – en juridisk analyse af borgernes retssikkerhed og konsekvenserne for medlemsstaten
  • Mette Volquartzen
    Politi og Privat Vagtvirksomhed - Retlige perspektiver på opgavefordelingen mellem politiet og den private sikkerhedsbranche
  • Toms Krumins
    Arbitration and Human Rights - Lack of Setting-Aside Proceedings as a Violation of the ECHR
  • Vadym Semenov
    Denying prohibitory injunctive relief in patent disputes: grounds and justifications
  • Zaneta Mikosa
    Implementation of Article 9(3) of the Aarhus Convention through an action popularis – challenges and limitations Legal standing and the enforcement of environmental law
  • Marie Herping Abrahamsen
    Et forsøg på at forbinde fængslet og omverdenen – en sociologisk undersøgelse af hvad der sker, når omverdenen lukkes inden for i fængslet
  • Caroline de Lima e Silva
    The Relationship between Domestic High Courts in Latin America and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
  • Zuzanna Godzimirska
    The Legitimation of Global Courts. An empirical, interdisciplinary study of the discursive legitimation of the International Court of Justice and the World Trade Organization’s Appellate Body in the courts’ interface with states
  • Jøren Ullits Olai Nielsen
    Journalistbegrebet i retlig belysning


  • Ahmed El-Sayed
    The Constitutional Development of Egypt’s Authoritarian State
  • Mihreteab Tsighe Taye
    International Courts in the Context of Region Building: An Analysis of the Creation and Institutionalization of the EACJ and SADCT
  • Valgerdur Solnes
    Clarifying land title: Land reform to eliminate terra nulliusin Iceland
  • Eleni Manaridou
    Public Intervention in the Electricity Market
    In Search of a Balanced Approach to State Aid and Public Service Obligations
  • Céline Brassart Olsen
    The Intersection of International Public Health and Human Rights Law for Obesity Prevention: Synergies, Conflicts, or Parallelism?
  • Nathan Edward Clark
    International Governance for Satellite Earth Observation in Disaster Response: Exploring Legal and Operational Dynamics
  • Amalie Giødesen Thystrup
    Governing Trade in Services - Transforming Rulemaking and Trade Integration
  • Rajam Neethu
    Intellectual Property Rights and Publicly funded Biobanks: Perspectives for Industrial and Research Partnerships within Biobanks in Europe
  • Nicole Christiansen
    Fra arbejderbeskyttelse til sundhedsfremme på arbejdspladsen - Stress, rygning, alkohol, kost & motion i en retlig belysning
  • Morten Frank
    Fortolkning af voldgiftsaftaler - patologier og anden uklarhed i forståelsen af voldgiftsaftalers rækkevidde
  • Michael Herbing
    Between state aid law and public procurement - A legal analysis of the fourth Altmark-criterion and the need for clarity


  • Kristian Bruhn
    Den hemmelige stat. Rets- og administrationshistoriske studier i den danske efterretningstjeneste fra de slesvigske krige til tiden omkring 1. Verdenskrig
  • Johan Tufte-Kristensen
    Voldgiftsdommerens upartiskhed og uafhængighed
  • Katarina Hyltén-Cavallius
    EU Citizenship at the Edges of Freedom of Movement
  • Arina Melse
    Inherent Powers of the European Court of Human Rights: Part of the Judicial Function of an International Public Authority
  • Jakob Wested
    Applying Patents & Imagining Openness
    Patenting enabling technologies in synthetic biology, the case of CRISPR
  • Kumm Sabba Mirza
    ”Æresrelaterede forbrydelser” – Strafferetlige perspektiver
  • Marlene Louise Buch Andersen
    Psykiske arbejdsskader – Juridiske virkemidler i et forebyggelsesperspektiv med fokus på virksomhedens adfærd
  • Azad Taheri Abkenar
    Delegation af myndighedsudøvelse til private aktører
  • Jessica Larsen
    Conceptualising the legal assemblage. An anthropological analysis of counter-piracy law and practice off the coast of Somalia
  • Pernille Bruun Andersen
    Ophavsret og ytringsfrihed
  • Vibeke Huge Rehfeld
    Children in war – Protection of Children in Armed Conflicts: An Extended Obligation?
  • Andri Fannar Bergþórsson
    What is market manipulation? An analysis of the concept in a European and Nordic context
  • Miriam Cullen
    The United Nations Security Council and International Criminal Justice
  • Katharina Ó Cathaoir
    A Children’s Rights Perspective on Obesogenic Food Marketing
  • Jens Erik Kundby Nielsen
    Bjærgningsretlige aspekter i forbindelse med forureningsskade – gevinst og risiko
  • Olga Kokoulina
    Standard Essential Patents - Moving towards a holistic approach and Injunctive Relief
  • Graham Butler
    Constitutional Limits of the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy
  • Freya Semanda
    Normbrydende forældre-barn relationer i retlig belysning


  • Diana Nacea
    Shaping Bodies and Laws - A Comparative Study of Cosmetic Surgery Regulation in England, Denmark and Europe
  • Amalie Frese
    Judicial Incrementalism - Dynamics of decision-making and jurisprudence in the domain of discrimination law at the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union
  • Amanda Lynn Jacobsen
    Open Secrecy: The Underappreciated Challenge to Utility, Democratic Governance, and the Rule of Law in the U.S. National Security Context
  • Sebastian Felix Schwemer
    Digital Content Licensing - Licensing and access arrangements between competition law and sector regulation
  • Günes Ünüvar
    Transformation of International Investment Law and Politics - Interplay between Interpretation, Application, and Policy-Making
  • Chenchen Hu
    Tackling the Bank Structural Problem  - The post crisis regulatory responses of the EU
  • Christian Klement
    Three Papers on Crime among Outlaw Bikers in Denmark
  • Irina Domurath
    Consumer Debt & Contract Law - Protection from over-indebtedness in EU mortgage law
  • Jacob Falsner
    Den Europæiserede Vikar
  • José María Lorenzo Villaverde
    The Legal Position of Same-Sex Couples in Spain and Denmark. A Comparative Study of Family Law
  • Julia Ballaschk
    Interoperability of Intelligence Networks in the European Union
  • Karina Kim Egholm Elgaard
    Interaktionen mellem momsretten og indkomstskatteretten i forhold til hjemmel og EU-ret – det danske eksempel
  • Marc Schack
    The Threat to Punish and the Promise to Intervene
  • Maria Czestochowa Martinez Fuentes
    A Comparative Study on the Remedy of Damage in Public Procurement: European Requirements and National Approaches
  • Owen Boyle
    Access to Remedy
  • Salvatore Caserta
    Institutionalizing Regional International Courts - Creation, Authority, and Power of the Central American and Caribbean Courts of Justice


  • Miriam Alide McKenna
    A Concept in Search of a Principle – An Analysis of the Origins and Development of the Contested Notion of Self-Determination in International Law
  • Beatriz Martinez Romera
    Regime Interaction in the Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Aviation and Maritime Transport
  • Mathias Dahlerup Krarup
    Interessekonflikter mellem kapitalejere i små og mellemstore selskaber – En analyse med komparative aspekter fra særligt amerikansk ret
  • Camilla Søbjerg Nielsen
    Et skib er ude af drift – forsikring og erstatning af ren økonomisk skade
    Et bidrag til ”first party insurance” som kompensationssystem (et retligt perspektiv)
  • Knud Wallberg
    Brug af andres varemærker i digitale medier
    - Et bidrag til afklaring af varemærkerettens indhold og grænseflader
  • Martine Stagelund Hvidt
    Danske sociale pensioner i EU-retlig og ligestillingsretlig belysning  
  • Helen Yu
    Achieving Proof of Concept in Drug Discovery and Development: The Role of Competition Law in Collaborations Between Public Research Organizations and Industry
  • Marta Carneiro
    Constructing Intersectionality in EU Anti-Discrimination Law
  • Sonny Kristoffersen
    Forbrugerklagenævnets ordning i et retssikkerhedsmæssigt perspektiv


  • Ana Nordberg
    "Patenting Nanomedicine in Europe – Applying the ’medical methods exception’ to emerging technologies"
  • Lone Wandahl Mouyal
    "International investment law and the right to regulate"
  • Caroline Sophia Tarrow
    "Præventiv og kollektiv berøvelse af frihed samt forholdet til grundlæggende rettigheder"
  • Roberta Mungianu
    "The principle of Non-refoulement in the European Union’s Border Control Joint Operations"
  • Torsten Bjørn Larsen
  • Trine Thygesen Vendius
    Europol – fra informationsudveksling til fælles efterforskningsteknikker? – Eksemplet: Bekæmpelsen af online seksuelle forbrydelser mod børn


  • Ida Helene Asmussen
    "Fra retsstat til omsorgsstat - om syndsforladelse i konfliktråd"
  • Kasper Ullerup Bach
    "Konkurrencerådets kontrol med ulovlig EU-statsstøtte. Samspillet mellem EU’s statsstøtteregler og konkurrencelovens §11"
  • Artur Appazov
    "Evidentiary Reliability in Admissibility of Expert Evidence in International Criminal Proceedings"
  • Annalisa Savaresi
    "An international framework for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries"
  • Sylvie Cécile Cavaleri
    "Concurrent Delay in Construction Disputes"


  • Urska Sadl 
    "The European Palimpsest – Justificatory Practices and Precedent Construction at the Court of Justice of the EU"
  • Kristian Cedervall Lauta
    "Exceptions and Norms - The Law on Natural Disasters"
  • Anna Simonova
    "Anti-money laundering and risk-based regulation"
  • Louise Victoria Johansen
    "Livshistorier i straffesagen. Vidensprocesser om sigtedes person"
  • Marie-Louise Holle
    "Hæftelsesansvar for selvstændigt virkende tredjemænd - med særligt henblik på offentlige opgaver"


  • Michael Camphausen
    "Regulering af pengeinstitutter - tilladelse, eneret & virksomhedsområde"
  • Søren Bergenser
    "Tilsynsrådets erstatningsansvar"
    (Afhandlingen er indleveret under ph.d.-skoleordningens §15, stk. 2)
  • Jakob Schiøler
    "Straffuldbyrdelseslovens bestemmelser om indgreb over for indsatte"
  • Mikkel Jarle Christensen
    "Det evige politi - Redefinition og ideologi (1863-2007)"
  • Lin Adrian
    "Mellem retssag og rundbordssamtale - retsmægling i teori og praksis"
  • Søren Stig Andersen
    "Nærheden ved domstolene - et spørgsmål om retfærdighed og rettens legitimitet"
    Andreas Bloch Ehlers
    "Om ædækvanslæren i erstatningsretten"
  • Iryna Marchuk
    "Reconciliation of Major Legal Systems Under the Umbrella of International Criminal Law: A Study on the Law on Mens rea"


  • Nikolaj Nielsen
    "Retten til et hjem - Ejendomsret, privatliv og forsørgelse"
  • Dimitri Weil
    "Toldret og retssikkerhed - EU-rettens påvirkning af toldretlige afgørelser i Danmark"
  • Linda Kjær Minke
    "Fængslets indre liv"
  • Frederik Strand
    "Efterforskningens Anatomi - Kriminalpolitiet 1863-2007"


  • Silvia Adamo
    "Citizenship Law and the Challenge of Multiculturalism. The Case of Denmark"
  • Bjørn Dilou Jacobsen
    "The Equality Bodies of the EU Member States - A Scandinavian Perspektive.
    Legal issues regarding the provision of assistance to victims of discrimination"
  • Amnon Lev
    "Foundations of Power - from Natural Law to Legal Science or in Danish
    Magtens grundlæggelser - fra naturret til retsvidenskab"


  • Stinne Taiger Ivø
    "Selskabsstatuttet i dansk og europæisk perspektiv. Selskabsstatuttets bestemmelse, omfang og territoriale rækkevidde"
  • Clement Salung Petersen
    "Immaterialrettigheder og foreløbig forbud"
  • Peter Vedel Kessing
    "Terrorbekæmpelse og menneskeret - med særlig fokus på retten til ikke at blive udsat for vilkårlig frihedsberøvelse og tortur, umenneskelig eller nedværdigende behandling"
  • Janne Rothmar Herrmann
    "Retlige hybrider - Om retsbeskyttelsen af fostre og befrugtede æg"
  • Trine Baumbach
    "Det strafferetlige legalitetsprincip - Hjemmel og fortolkning"
  • Maria Louise Staffe
    "Et retorisk fundament for juridisk argumentation"
  • Ciara Damgaard
    "Individual Criminal Responsibility for Core International Crimes: Selected Pertinent Issues"


  • Anders Henriksen
    "Den amerikanske "krig" mod terror - legalitet og tendenser. Var terrorangrebene den 11. september 2001 "krigshandlinger"?"
  • Helle Ina Elmer
    "Halvoffentlige retlige entiteter og ejendomsret - Et bidrag til de metodiske overvejelser vedrørende analyse af halvoffentlige retlige entiteters ejendomsrettigheder med den almene boligorganisation som konkret eksempel "
  • Susanne Clausen
    "Samfundstjeneste virker det? En proces- og effektevaluering af samfundstjenesteordningen i Danmark"
  • Julie Rørdam
    "Ægtefælleskiftet - i civilprocessuel belysning"
  • Anders Mølmann
    "Certepartifortolkning - i nordisk og engelsk ret"


  • Christine Jørgensen
    "Etniske minoritetskvinders sociale rettigheder: Arbejdsmarked, seksualitet og uddannelse"
  • Christian Arvedsen Bergqvist
    "Mellem regulering og deregulering"
  • René Dejbjerg Pedersen
    "Det forvaltningsretlige skøn"


  • Byrial Bjørst
    "Ligeløn for job af samme værdi"
  • Laura Nielsen
    "WTO, the Environment & the Animals: Policies in GATT Article XX (a), (b) & (g)"
  • Helle Vogt
    "Slægtens funktion i nordisk højmiddelalderret - Kanonisk retsideologi og fredsskabende lovgivning"
  • Rass Holdgaard
    "Classic External Relations Law of the European Community. Doctrines and Discourses"


  • Bugge Thorbjørn Daniel
    "Balancing Trade and Environment in WTO Adjudication. An analysis of adjudication and political limitations on judicial law-making in the World Trade Organisation. Exemplified with developments in adjudicative interpretation of GATT article III and XX"

  • Rasmus Heugh Wandall
    "Sentencing to Imprisonment. A Socio-Legal Study of Decisions to Incarcerate in Criminal Cases in Danish County Courts"
  • Thomas Elbæk-Jørgensen
    "Bevillingsmagten. Folketingets styring af statsfinanserne"
  • Christian Borch
    "Kriminalitet og magt – Dansk kriminalitetssemantik i det 20. århundrede"


  • Marianne Nørregaard
    "Den europæiske menneskerettighedskonventions anvendelse ved afgørelse af retlige konflikter mellem private i dansk ret"

  • Claus Molbech Bendtsen
    "Interessentskabsretlige problemstillinger"
  • Jens Teilberg Søndergaard
    "Ret, demokrati og globalisering. Om kosmopolitanisme og empirisme"

  • Catherine Jacqueson
    "The European Court of Justice's strategy for Community integration. A case study in the field of the free movement of persons"

  • Birgitte Brøbech
    "Ulovligt tilvejebragte beviser i straffeprocessen"

  • Jacob Graff Nielsen
    "Legalitetskravet ved beskatning"

  • Helle Krunke
    "Udenrigspolitik og magtfordeling ved overgangen til det 21. århundrede"


  • Kim Frost

  • Thomas Elholm
    "EU-svig - En studie i dansk strafferet"

  • Pernille Boye Koch
    "Forfatningskontrol - Fremtidige perspektiver og udfordringer"

  • Henrik Udsen
    "Den digitale signatur - Ansvarsspørgsmål"

  • Ann Vibeke Eggli
    "Mass Refugee Influx and the Limits of Public International Law"


  • Pia Justesen
    "Lighedskravet for etniske minoriteter på arbejdsmarkedet - et menneskeretligt perspektiv"

  • Pernille Ulla Knudsen
    "Lovkyndighed og vederhæftighed - sjællandske byfogeder 1682-1801, professionalisering og kumulering"

  • Kim Kjær
    "Den retlige regulering af modtagelsen af asylansøgere i en europæisk kontekst"

  • Morten Rosenmeier
    "Værkslæren i ophavsretten"

  • Peter Kruize
    "Choices of Commercial Robbers - A comparative Study of Commercial Robbers in Denmark and the Netherlands"

  • Rasmus Kristian Feldthusen


  • Jens Elo Rytter
    "Grundrettigheder - domstolenes fortolkning og kontrol med lovgivningsmagten"

  • Caroline Heide-Jørgensen
    "Liberale erhverv - en konkurrenceretlig studie"

  • Sten Harck
    "Nationale mindretal i europæisk perspektiv"

  • Helle Blomquist
    "The Social Construction of Lawyers' Professionalism - Danish Practicing Lawyers And Some Pre-Conditions for Their Ethics"


  • Kaare Bangert
    "200 sømils fiskeriterritorium"

  • Peter Christensen
    "Statens revision"

  • Lars Holmberg
    "Politiets skøn i retssociologisk belysning"

  • Dorthe Vennemose Buss
    "Dementes retsstilling"

  • Christian Johansen
    "Om bygherrens ændringsret".


  • Birgitte Kofod Olsen
    "Identifikationsteknologi og individbeskyttelse - en øvelse i juridisk teknologivurdering".

  • Lisbet Christoffersen
    "Kirkeret mellem Stat, marked og civilsamfund".

  • Morten Broberg
    "The European Commission's Jurisdiction to Scrutinise Mergers"

  • Ketilbjørn Hertz
    "Jurisdiction in Contract an Tort under the Brussels Convention"

  • Michael Gøtze
    "Magtfordrejningsbegrebets udvikling i teori og praksis"

  • Nick Hækkerup
    "Kontrol og sanktioner i EF-retten"

  • Dorte K. Frandsen
    "The European Court of Justice - towards a new balance between integration and sovereignty?"

  • Peter Høilund
    "Den moderne retstænknings gennembrud og autoritetstab - særligt med henblik på dansk retstænkning i det 19. og 20. århundrede"


  • Karl Peder Pedersen
    "Enevældens Amtmænd".

  • Henrik Palmer Olsen
    "Rationalitet, Ret og Moral"

  • Alexander Ljungstrøm
    "Rettens alkymi. Om venskab, ret og virkelighed. En retsfilosofisk meditation"


  • Søren Friis Hansen
    "Europæisk koncernret".

  • Henrik Dam

  • Jens Schovsbo
    "Grænsefladespørgsmål mellem immaterialretten og konkurrenceretten".

  • Annette Kronborg
    "Faderskab - et internationalt privat- og procesretligt studium".

  • Malene Frese Jensen
    "Alternative Approaches to Juvenile Delinquency".

  • Lillian Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza
    "Womens violent crime in Uganda".


  • Anne Christine Brusendorff
    "Legal Enviromental Restraints Upon Navigation".

  • Ida Elisabeth Koch
    "Behandling som alternativ til frihedsstraf - samspillet mellem kriminalretten og social- og sundhedsretten".