Salvatore Caserta

Salvatore Caserta

Associate Professor


2023 - ongoing, Associate Professor of Sociology of Law and International Law at iCourts

2019 - 2023, Assistant Professor of Sociology of Law and International Law at iCourts

Jan-Jun 2022, Fernand Braudel Fellow, European University Institute, Fiesole, Italy

2016 - 2019, Postoctoral Research Fellow at iCourts

Jan-May 2018, Lecturer in International Law, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy

2012 - 2016, PhD Fellow at iCourts, The Faculty of Law of the University of Copenhagen

Dissertation: Institutionalizing Regional International Courts: Creation, Authority, and Power of the Central American and Caribbean Court of Justice

2012, LL.M., Faculty of Law, U.C. Berkeley

2009, MA, Faculty of Law, University of Roma Tre

2007, BA, Faculty of Law, University of Roma Tre



2013, Visiting Scholar at the Buffet Centre, Faculty of Political Sciences, Northwestern University, Chicago (Evanston) - United States

2013, Visiting Scholar at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati – Spain

2010 - 2011, Visiting Scholar at Yale Law School, New Haven - United States

2009, Visiting Student at Fordham Law School, New York - United States

2009, External Affiliated Researcher at Oxford Law School, Oxford - United Kingdom

Knowledge of languages

English, Italian, Spanish, and Danish

ID: 40102051