New Visiting Researcher at iCourts - Dragos Calin
Judge, Bucharest Court of Appeals (since April 2009); EU Law Trainer, The National Institute of Magistracy, Bucharest (since 2006); Associate Researcher of the Institute for Legal Research of the Romanian Academy - Centre for European Legal Studies (2010-2022; 2024); Founding member and Co-President of the Romanian Judges’ Forum Association (since 2007); Director of the Romanian Judges’ Forum Review (since 2009); Vice-President of GEMME - European Group of Magistrates for Mediation (May 2010-May 2012); Founding member (2009) and Vice-President of the International Conference for Mediation and Justice (2012-2016); Member of the Association of European Magistrates for Human Rights (since 2011); Member of the Franco-Romanian Lawyers Association (since 2009); Member of the Association of Magistrates of the European Union (since 2007).
PhD in Law (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law) - The Dialogue between Constitutional Courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union (2018). I graduated the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest in 1998 and the National Institute of Magistracy in 2003, the second from my series of graduates. Postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest (2013) and the Academy of Economic Sciences in Bucharest, Faculty of Administration and Public Management (2015).
Author of numerous books and articles (more then 200) in the field of law, published in Romania, France, United States, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, Belgium, Italy, Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Poland, Bulgaria, Mongolia, Lebanon, Columbia, India, Indonesia, Armenia and Argentina, among which Limitele libertatii de exprimare. Politicieni, jurnalisti, magistrati. Comentarii si jurisprudenta, 2014; Hotararile CEDO in cauzele impotriva Romaniei. Analiza, consecinte, autoritati potential responsabile – in perioada 1994-2014 (vol. I-X), 2010-2015; Quelle justice pour la France? 31 personnalités répondent aux préoccupations des Français, Éditions l'Harmattan, Paris, 2012; Procedura trimiterii preliminare. Principii de drept al Uniunii Europene si experiente ale sistemului roman de drept, 2012; Noul Cod civil – comentarii, doctrina, jurisprudenta. Vol. II. Mosteniri si liberalitati. Obligatii, 2012; Refuzul instantelor nationale de a trimite intrebari preliminare. Jurisprudenta romaneasca, 2013; Dictionar de drepturile omului, 2013; Cooperarea judiciara in materie civila si comerciala in Uniunea Europeana, 2014; La Médiation, un chemin de paix pour la justice en Europe, Éditions l'Harmattan, Paris, (ed.), 2015; Dreptul Uniunii Europene şi tribunalele constituţionale ale statelor membre. Interviuri (ed.), 2015; Directiva – act de dreptul Uniunii Europene şi dreptul român (ed.), 2016; La mediation entre l'habitude d'avoir recours au systeme traditionnel de justice et le remboursement de l'integralite des frais de justice in New Developments in Civil and Commercial Mediation - Global Comparative Perspectives (Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law), eds. Carlos Esplugues and Louis Marquis, Springer, Heidelberg, 2015; La Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne en Roumanie, in Laurence Burgorgue Larsen (ed.), La Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne saisie par les juges en Europe, Col. Cahiers européene, IREDIES - Institut de recherche en droit international et européen de la Sorbonne, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Pedone, Paris, 2016; Dialogul dintre tribunalele constituționale și Curtea de Justiție a Uniunii Europene, 2018; 900 days of Uninterrupted Siege upon the Romanian Magistracy. A Survival Guide, 2020; Recent Controversy Regarding the Promotion of Judges in Romania: Searching for Meritocracy - International Journal for Court Administration (, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2021; Constitutionalism and Politics | The Court of Justice of the European Union, ultima ratio for saving the independence of the judges in Romania – a commentary of the CJEU preliminary ruling in C‑83/19, C‑127/19, C‑195/19, C‑291/19 and C‑355/19 and C‑397/19, AFJR and others - Constitutionalism and Politics (, in European University Institute - Constitutionalism and Politics Blog, 2021; The priority of the EU law in Romania: between reality and Fata Morgana – Official Blog of UNIO, in UNIO EU Journal Blog; Constitutional courts cannot build brick walls between the CJEU and national judges concerning the rule of law values in Article 2 TEU: RS - Kluwer Law Online, in Common Market Law Review 60(2023), Issue 3.
Courses of Specialization at the Court of Justice of the European Communities in Luxemburg (April-June 2005), CEELI Institute Prague (Building Judiciary Integrity - October-November 2007), Tribunal Superior de Justicia Madrid, Spain (September 2010), Consejo General del Poder Judicial Madrid and European Judicial Training Network (EJTN) - Espacio Judicial Europeo Social (December 2010 - October 2011). I have participated in hundreds of scientific conferences organized in Romania or other countries, as a lecturer or participant (among others, in Paris, Luxembourg, Rome, Nice, Lübeck, Budapest, Palermo, Ankara, Barcelona, Madrid, Lisbon, Trier, Sofia, Aix-en-Provence, Fontevrault, Wienn, St. Vincent de Mercuze, La Rochelle, Chisinau, The Hague, Krakow, Katowice, Ljubljana). Romania's International Rapporteur for the XIX International Congress of Comparative Law (Vienna, 2014); U.S. Department of State, IVLP Project "Rule of Law and the U.S. Judicial System" (Washington, Manchester, East Lansing, Santa Fe, 2022).
Dragos Calin will be a Visiting Researcher at iCourts from 10-14 February 2025.