International Law Breakfast Briefings – Spring 2024

Thursdays from 8:45 to 9:45 am
Hybrid venue: Zoom and Meeting room 6B-4-04, Faculty of Law, Njalsgade 76, 2300 Copenhagen S (except for 21 March, where the venue will be 8A-0-57 (Flexroom), Njalsgade 76, ground floor, 2300 Cph. S)
The ‘International Law Breakfast Briefings’ provide an opportunity for researchers, practitioners and students with an interest in international law to meet on a regular basis and exchange views and research results on current issues of international law.
Format: The speaker will give a presentation of approximately 20-25 minutes, followed by a discussion. The presentation and discussion will be in English unless otherwise specified. A Zoom link will be provided upon registration. Coffee and croissants will be available for all registered participants who attend in person.
Researchers, including PhD students, and practitioners working in the field of international law who are interested in giving a presentation as part of our next International Law Breakfast Briefing series in autumn are welcome to contact
Spring 2024
21 March: Gaiane Nuridzhanian, ‘The Principle of Ne Bis In Idem in International Criminal Law’ (This event takes place in room 8A-0-57 (Flexroom), Njalsgade 76, ground floor, 2300 Cph. S)
2 May: Expert Roundtable, ‘The Situation in Gaza/Palestine and Israel’
13 June: Anna Andersson, ‘Emerging Norms for Autonomous Weapons Systems’