18 August 2022

New visitor at iCourts - Natasa Mavronicola

8 September - 15 September 2022

Natasa Mavronicola is Professor of Human Rights Law at the University of Birmingham. Natasa researches and teaches in the areas of human rights, public law, and legal theory, as well as on the interplay between counter-terrorism and human rights and intersections between human rights and criminal justice. She has published on these topics in a number of journals and edited collections. Her recent monograph, Torture, Inhumanity and Degradation under Article 3 of the ECHR: Absolute Rights and Absolute Wrongs (Hart Publishing 2021), examines the concept of an absolute right and its concretisation in the right not to be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. A book she has co-edited with Dr Laurens Lavrysen, titled Coercive Human Rights (Hart Publishing 2020), explores the prospects and pitfalls of mobilising the criminal law and criminal justice apparatus through human rights.
