28 September 2022

New visitor at iCourts - Kyra Wigard

Kyra WigardKyra Wigard is a third-year PhD researcher at the Centre for Legal Theory and Empirical Jurisprudence at KU Leuven under the supervision of Professor Arthur Dyevre. Her research focuses on the impact of legal origin on the decision-making of international judges at the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court. The aim is to further uncover the alleged divide and shed light on judicial decision-making at the two courts.

She obtained Masters of Law (LLMs) in Legal Philosophy and in Public International Law at Leiden University (2017) and studied at the University of Oxford and Sciences Po Paris. She also holds a BA in English Language and Literature from Leiden University.

Prior to her PhD research, she held positions as a Delegate for the International Federation for Human Rights’ (FIDH) Permanent Representation to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and as a Legal Fellow for Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA researching the Afghanistan situation before the ICC. She has also taught International Law and Introduction to Law at Leiden University.
