9 September 2022

New visitor at iCourts - Inês Granja

Inês Granja is a PhD candidate at Catholic University of Portugal (Oporto). Her PhD research titled “The right of freedom of religion or belief. The judicial practice in face of the challenges of religious diversity” is focused on the ECtHR’s case-law related to religious minorities and the right to religious freedom and seeks to shed light on the the interaction between the european human rights system and portuguese legal sphere on this topic.

She holds an LLB degree (2014) and an LLM in Public, European and Public International Law (2016). Her master thesis was titled “The ECtHR and religious symbols – the use of muslim veil in 21st century Europe” and it was awarded with an Honourable Mention in 2017 by Portuguese Commission for Religious Freedom and was published in 2018 thanks to the Portugal’s High Commissioner of Migration of Portugal.

During part of her PhD, she was a research assistant with the JusGov-Research Centre for Justice and Governance, on an interdisciplinary research project called Inclusive Courts, funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation, which gathers lawyers, anthropologists and sociologists focused on the practice of the courts, which seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the legal challenges raised by cultural diversity in Europe. Her previous experience includes working as a Lawyer in Portugal.

The main areas of her research are human rights and multicultural jurisprudence.
