1 March 2022

New Postdoc at iCourts - Martin Lolle Christensen

Martin Lolle Christensen is joining the TEMPTATION Research Project as a Post.Doc.

Martin holds a BA.Jur. and Cand.Jur. from the University of Copenhagen and an LL.M. in Comparative, European and International Laws from the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. He was awarded a PhD degree at the European University Institute in December 2021 for his thesis The Use of External Judicial Decisions by Regional Human Rights Courts, examining judicial borrowing among the regional human rights courts. Martin previously worked as a Student Research Assistant for the From Dogma to Data research project at iCourts.

Martin will study the empirical turn in international legal scholarship. The research project is funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond). Working with Associate Professor Jakob v. H. Holtermann, Martin will investigate and map the ongoing use of empirical approaches in international legal scholarship.