News at iCourts

If you have any news relevant to publish on the iCourts website, you can let us know by using the news form below.

If you wish to publish an event (which includes time and place), please use the event form

Fields marked with * are required.

A headline should be short and expressive and contain a maximum of 70 characters (including spaces).

NB! For the news item to be published, this field MUST be filled in correctly with maximum 70 characters.
Enter a short version of the news, which appeals to the reader. The teaser can contain a maximum of 112 characters (including spaces).

NB! For the news item to be published, this field MUST be filled in correctly with maximum 112 characters.
Gennemse Please upload the news text in Word format. Write a simple, short and precise text - drop the filler words and long sentences. Use short paragraphs - just a few lines - and preferably with headlines.
If you would like an image included in your news, please describe your wish or find an example at

PLEASE NOTE! We cannot publish images found via Google.