iCourts insights
Since 2012, iCourts has produced original research on the role and power of international courts. The iCourts insights present major take-aways from this research to a broad audience.
The format is simple. On one page, iCourts researchers explain concrete research results in a simple and direct way, detailing how this research contributes new knowledge, and what implications this knowledge may have.
The insights provide easy access to the knowledge generated in the center over the past decade.
- iCourts insight no. 07/2021, Scandinavian immigration policy as negative nation-branding by Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen
- iCourts insight no. 06/2021, International Courts in Latin America and the Caribbean – Foundations and Authority by Salvatore Caserta
- iCourts insight no. 05/2021, Hostile cyber operations expose gaps in international law by Astrid Kjeldgaard-Pedersen and Marc Schack
- iCourts insight no. 04/2021, When Should International Courts Intervene? by Shai Dothan
- iCourts insight no. 03/2021, How legal scholars influence the development of international law by William Hamilton Byrne
- iCourts insight no. 02/2021, When international courts beat politics by Mikael Rask Madsen
- iCourts insight no. 01/2021, Finding judges on the battlefield: a key component to military success by Lena Trabucco