Lunch seminar with Ezgi Özlü

Lawyers, Migration Control, and Border Justice

The objective of this empirical project, which combines a systematic analysis of case law with socio-legal approaches, is to examine the contribution of lawyers to the development of European human rights jurisprudence, particularly in relation to three contemporary aspects of border justice: pushbacks, hotspots, and the transfer of migrants to countries outside the European Union (EU).  By lawyers, we refer specifically to legal practitioners advocating for migrants' rights. By border justice, we mean the legal norms governing conditions of entry and residence, rights to family reunification, asylum procedures, and reception conditions. The term pushback refers to the summary return of migrants at the border or shortly after their entry into a territory, while hotspot denotes facilities established at the EU’s external borders for the initial reception, identification, and registration of migrants. In terms of European human rights jurisprudence, this study analyses case law from both the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). As a comparative dimension, we also examine the inter-American and African human rights systems.

Speaker bio

Ezgi Özlü is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Strasbourg and a re:constitution fellow of 2024/2025. She holds a PhD from the University of Strasbourg, where her research focused on how procedural costs affect the right of individual application before the European Court of Human Rights. Her dissertation was awarded the 2024 Thesis Prize by the René Cassin Foundation in France and the best doctoral thesis in Public Law at the University of Strasbourg for 2023–2024. During her PhD studies, Ezgi was a Research Fellow at the Department of International Public Law and Dispute Resolution at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law. Her research interests encompass issues related to access to justice, including legal aid, procedural costs, admissibility requirements, and reparations. She is also focused on topics surrounding the legal profession, such as legal mobilisation, legal ethics, and litigation funding, as well as broader procedural aspects of international adjudication.

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